What Taco Tuesday Can Teach You About Online Advertising

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What does Taco Tuesday have to do with online advertising?  Taco John’s is a fast food chain with around 400 restaurants serving Mexican food so of course they are the type of place that would advertise by saying Taco Tuesday.  What sets John’s fast food chain apart from ever other restaurant is that they claim that they were the first ones to use Taco Tuesday.  They even trademarked it.  Now they spend who knows how much time and money sending cease and desist letters to restaurants that advertise Taco Tuesday.

Even though the law is on their side, Taco john’s is losing the battle because Taco Tuesday is already too popular for them to stop everyone from saying it and no one knows that they were the ones who came up with it.  That’s what happens when you don’t know how to stand out from the crowd.  Taco John’s hit the jackpot when they came up with Taco Tuesday but they didn’t have the expertise to market it and attach it to their brand alone.

You might come up with a genius ad that could earn thousands in commissions online but if you don’t know how to present it and where to place it then it will be as worthless as Taco Tuesday.  That’s why you should work with Click Funnels.

Click Funnels is an online affiliate program where individuals place ads online using the Click Funnels system from their own computer and receive the sales commissions.  If you join Click Funnels, not only will you be taught how to place ads online and maximise your commissions but you’ll learn the 1 thing 99% of all businesses are missing from their formula.  You have the ability to earn a fortune through online advertising.

Click here and let Click Funnels help you uncover it.

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