What is a lead generation funnel?

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lead generation funnel is a strategic framework that guides potential customers through a series of stages, from awareness to conversion.  Here’s how it works:

  1. Awareness (TOFU): At the top of the funnel, you catch the attention of people in your target audience.  You offer them a super valuable lead magnet such as an e-book, webinar or free resource, that they can’t resist.  The goal is to get them to click through to the lead magnet’s landing page and provide their contact information.
  2. Consideration (MOFU): Once you have their contact information, they become a lead.  Your job now is to nurture them.  You present them with relevant content, educate them about your product or service and build trust.  This stage is about moving them from being aware to considering your solution.
  3. Conversion (BOFU): Finally, you aim to convert leads into paying customers.  You present them with your offers—starting with an inexpensive frontend product and gradually introducing more valuable and expensive options.  The goal is to get them to make increasingly serious commitments by offering more value at each stage of the funnel.

Remember, whether you’re selling to businesses (B2B) or consumers (B2C), the key is to guide potential customers through this journey effectively.

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