What are the best websites to advertise banner ads on?

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There are several excellent platforms for banner advertising, each with its own strengths.  Here are some of the best options:

1. Google Display Network

Google Display Network is one of the largest and most versatile platforms.  It allows you to reach a vast audience across millions of websites, apps and Google-owned properties like YouTube and Gmail.

2. Facebook Audience Network

Facebook’s Audience Network extends your reach beyond Facebook and Instagram to a wide range of apps and websites.  It leverages Facebook’s powerful targeting capabilities to ensure your ads reach the right audience.

3. Amazon Advertising

Amazon Advertising is particularly effective for e-commerce businesses.  It allows you to display ads on Amazon’s website and partner sites, targeting users based on their shopping behavior.

4. Microsoft Advertising

Microsoft Advertising (formerly Bing Ads) offers banner ads on Microsoft properties like MSN, Outlook and Xbox.  It also provides robust targeting options and integrates with LinkedIn for professional targeting.

5. AdRoll

AdRoll specializes in retargeting, showing your ads to users who have previously visited your website.  It supports a wide range of ad formats and integrates with various platforms, including Google and Facebook.

6. Taboola

Taboola is a native advertising platform that places your banner ads within content recommendations on popular websites.  This can help increase engagement by blending your ads with editorial content.

7. Outbrain

Similar to Taboola, Outbrain offers native advertising solutions.  It places your ads in content feeds on high-traffic websites, making them appear more organic and engaging.

8. Media.net

Media.net is a contextual ad network powered by Yahoo and Bing.  It offers high-quality placements on premium websites and provides advanced targeting options.

9. AdMaven

AdMaven is known for its high CPM rates and diverse ad formats, including banners, pop-ups and interstitial ads.  It’s a good choice for maximizing revenue potential.

10. TripleLift

TripleLift focuses on native programmatic advertising, allowing your banner ads to blend seamlessly with the content on the host site.  This can lead to higher engagement and better user experience.

Each of these platforms has unique features and benefits, so the best choice depends on your specific goals and target audience.  If you need more detailed information about any of these options, feel free to ask!

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