Try This Before You Get Fed Up Or Hit Rock Bottom

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You’ll notice one common thing between every success story ever told.  Look at many people who’ve broke through and made big things happen in their lives and you’ll often hear things like:

  • “XYZ person gave me the kick in my pants needed to get my butt into gear.”
  • “I’d hit rock bottom, enough was enough.”
  • “I was so tired of my mundane, 9-5 life that if I had to turn off my alarm and drive through traffic to my dead end job one more day I’d prefer just to end it all now!”

No, think about this, where did their results come from?  In every case, it was in the action.  This is why I’m so focused on the action part and not so much what we’re feeling or whatever step comes before that.

I hope this is making sense.  As actress Katherine Hepburn said: “As one goes through life, one learns that if you don’t paddle your own canoe, you don’t move.”  Action and movement is all that counts.  I find that very interesting.  You don’t need motivation or a kick in the pants.  You don’t have to hit rock bottom.  Just do it.  Crazy, I know.  Check this out:

This just do it plan.

Remember, change always happens in the now and when a resolute decision is made.  You don’t have to wait till you’re miserable and fed up to start experiencing the life you deserve.  When will you be ready?

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