The Key To Being Your Own Boss

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You don’t want to replace a job with just another job.  Transitioning from a j-o-b into doing your own thing can be very exciting.  You can save lots of hours in your days without a work commute.  No more alarm clocks.  No more dealing with boss-holes and working around employees you don’t like.  There’s no more unfulfilling work and you can make more income.  The list goes on and on.

However, you don’t want to pigeon hole yourself into another job.  Some go into doing their own thing while holding on to the employee mindset.  You must free yourself from that.  The key thing is just having a simple daily routine and sticking to it religiously.  Remember this: Structure equals freedom.  That’s the #1 thing I can tell you.
Many who have zero structure in their days end up goofing off or getting their 2-3 hours worth of work done all day long.  Maybe they need to send an email out or put an ad up.  Yet, they waited till the last minute when they could have had it all done before noon.  Now, it’s after dinner time, instead of spending time with friends, you are stressing over getting your work done.

Is this making sense?  Having a business like this is exciting, lucrative and very freeing.  Yet, it requires a bit of smarts and good planning to be your own boss.  To be free, you have to structure your days.  Get what you need done at a specific time and you can spend the rest of the day with your family, pursuing hobbies, reading, travelling or whatever you want.  I hope this helps.  Not only does this structure help, so does having a step by step plan like this to implement.  By building an hour or two a day to focus on this, you may have a 6 figure business on your hands, relatively fast.

Yes, I’m ready to spend a focused few hours a day on this to build up to a 6 figure business. 

Also don’t forget to check out the trial.

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