The Death Of Banner Ads?

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Do you want to advertise on Facebook?  You better not want to use the same tried and true ads that everyone else does because ads that look like all the other ads online won’t cut it any more.  Soon Facebook won’t be the only site where ads that used to be standard will look ancient compared to new ads.

Just this week, The New York Times began to phase out the classic banners ads that show up on most websites.  They did this because they look like what everyone expects an ad looks like.  We’ve all seen banner ads so many times that we don’t even pay attention to them.  This is why the biggest sites in the world are changing their ads to look like content rather than advertising.  This is good and bad for online advertisers.

The good news is that online ads will look different to consumers and that means a greater chance of making a sale.  The bad news is that advertisers won’t be able to rely on the traditional and standardised format that they’ve come to know and love.  This doesn’t mean that you’ll have to be more creative if you want to earn any money online, you’ll have to figure out how to handle the new formats.

You could worry about it or you could join Click Funnels.  Click Funnels is an online business system where affiliates don’t have to create ads.  All they do is place ads and get paid.  Click Funnel’s affiliates don’t even have to close any deals but they still earn commissions worth thousands of dollars.

Click here to learn more about Click Funnels if this sounds like a good deal to you.

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