You Don’t Have To Break Any Chains To Get Rich

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We’ve all seen people like Tony Robbins.  There’re charismatic and energetic speakers who inspire their audiences to their best selves and break chains that are holding them back from success.  Some of the stuff they say may make sense.  We could all use a self-confidence boost and someone to help us focus on what we want and how we can get it.  Some of what they say and do is purely to get people’s attention and money.

Just a few weeks ago, Tony Robbins was holding one of his seminars called: “Unleash the Power Within”.  It sounds too corny to be true but this seminar was meant to, “Help you unlock and unleash the forces inside that can help you to break through any limit and create the quality of life that you desire.”  That sounds great and maybe the seminar did that.

At the end of his seminar, things got a little ridiculous.  Robbins offered people the chance to walk across a bed of coals with the reasoning that, “Once you start doing what you thought was impossible, you’ll conquer the other fires of your life with ease.”  Several people are going to be set back on conquering fires because five of the people who walked on the coals were taken to the hospital and 30 had their feet checked for serious burns.

While people like Robbins have a place and value but at the end of the day, you don’t need to go on a $2,000 seminar or walk across a bed of hot coals to be successful.  You just have to find something that you’re good at and do it better than other people without gimmicks, seminars and no symbolism.  Just hard work well done.

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