Will You Be The Next Blockbuster?

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What do Blockbuster, AOL and the United States Postal Office all have in common?  They’ve all had major chunks of their business taken away by more advanced and efficient competition.  Both Blockbuster and AOL are distant memories of the late 90s and reminders of how technology can make and then break your company.

That’s also the way the United States Post Service is going the way of Blockbuster and sending paper letters are going the way of the Dodo.  Of course, it’s not just the American Post office that is suffering.  The New Zealand Postal Service saw the number of letters sent through their service cut in half last year but they’re not raising their prices or cutting their services to delay a painful death.  Instead, they’re getting in on the game and experimenting with delivering fast food to customers.  Right now, in the town of Tauranga, there are 30 drivers on staff delivering KFC and if the program goes well, there will be even more soon.

Why should you care about packaged New Zealand Fried Chicken?  You should care because they’re showing that just because your job is outdated doesn’t mean you still can’t change your career and try something new.  Even if you’re just bred with your job, it’s never too late to try something new.  It might be scary but it’s not impossible.  Especially not with Click Funnels.  Russel Brunson’s Click Funnels system is an online affiliate system where affiliates place ads online and receive the sales commissions.  Click Funnels affiliates get all the benefits of working in a tech fuelled industry like working anywhere with a computer and Wi-Fi without all the hassles.The Click Funnels system works so well that anyone with a computer can earn 6 figures within a year from now by simply going through the training process and applying it.

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