Why You Need A Chicken Sexer In Your Life?

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It’s notoriously hard to distinguish between male and female chickens when they’re young.  There’s no difference in their physical make up.  There’s no difference in their behaviour.  This turns out be very impractical as it’s quite important that large farms and factories know what gender their baby chickens are.  Since only females lay eggs and they want chickens that can lay eggs.

Think about it, if you’re the owner of a chicken farm and you buy a bunch of baby chickens and then half of them turn out to be males, you’ve lost literally half of your money.  You better be able to tell whether the baby chickens are male or female.

So, what’s the solution?  Interestingly it should be impossible to tell the difference between male and female chickens, it isn’t impossible.  It’s true that there’s no difference between male and female chickens when they’re young.  However, a handful of experienced people known as “Chicken sexers” can by simply looking at baby chickens ‘just tell’ the difference between males and females.  It’s unclear how they can tell the difference.  When asked, even they can’t say.  What they have is an intuition that is amazingly accurate.  They’re able to make judgements with 90% accuracy.  It’s sort of a 6th sense.  The “Chicken sexing” sense.

So, what does this have to do with your business?  Some shots are hard to call: Should I invest my money in this program or in that product? Or should I give up and start from scratch or should I try to push through?  To the inexperienced eye, both options seem equally appealing.  Yet, hidden underneath the surface of some of these options lies loss of profit, loss of market share, loss of customers or a damaged bottom line.

So, what should you do?  Actually the answer is deceptively simple.  You need to find an experienced chicken sexer and ask them.  Well, not an actual chicken sexer but someone who has years of experience in the industry you’re in.  Ask someone who’s already faced the decisions you’re facing as well as hundreds of similar ones.  Someone who’s been around the block.  They’ll give you the better advice than the ‘canned’ stuff you find in books and articles and Google searches.

One of the reasons why Click Funnels has proven to be so successful as people who have used this system have generated over $50,000,000 is that it pairs you with lots of training and support to help you along the way.  When you’re building your business and you run into those tough, lots at stake decisions as you inevitably will, your support can help you call the shots.  There’s no need to rely only on canned stuff.  There’s no need to fumble through trial and error.

Click here to have master chicken sexer join your team.