Why This Halloween Will Change Your Life

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Do you want to know how this Halloween could change your life?  There’s no rituals or animal sacrifices involved.  Halloween is a little different for adults than it is for kids.  While kids dress up as their favourite superheroes or cartoons and trick or treat, adults get the pleasure of sitting around at home handing out candy.  They might go to a party but that’s their only upside.  Chances are, that’s what your Halloweens have been like for a while now.

Now you can change that.  All you have to do is ask yourself this question: “What do I want to be?”  Kids will say Iron Man or Elsa but you might say you want to be the CEO of your company or a 6 figure earner.  Then Halloween rolls around, be it.

In the coming weeks, figure out how you can be whatever it is you want to be and set a goal to be it by Halloween.  That way, when everyone else takes their costumes off at the end of the night, you’ll be able to keep it on being exactly what you want to be forever.

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