Why Most Fail And What You Can Do Instead?

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Prerequisites and requirements inside.  Do you know the stats?  92%+ folks that hop online and want to change their life, never will.  They’ll buy the course, they’ll dream of freedom and they’ll lather, rinse and repeat.  Usually, they won’t even try to get a result they want.

So, here’s a quote to remember: “Life doesn’t transform by consuming insights but by testing them.”  See?  Most people don’t start because they are afraid they’ll make one eeny teeny mistake.  Yet, that is a part of the process.  It must happen like a plane travelling from one spot to another must course correct many times.

Better to take hold of the quote above?  The failure has nothing to do with you or your worth.  Simply view it as an experiment towards getting what you want.  Are you willing to do that?  Again, it’s a prerequisite.  The result of viewing this biz like you are a scientist in the lab, testing what works and learning from what doesn’t?  It can result in a life most only dream of.  I don’t say that lightly.

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