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They do what they want when they want. There’s this angry comment about a new book on Amazon called: “Meet the Frugalwoods”, right now. The gist of the still 5 star review comment was this, real freedom doesn’t equal retirement. So, I wanted to speak up about this because what they did is what many of us want to do too.
Their definition of freedom wasn’t a retired life. It was this, they built their ideal lifestyle that allowed them to escape the rat race for good. Now, they’ve got the freedom and time to do work/things that they are passionate about. They wake up to a fulfilled life now and not a tiny 5×5 cubicle workspace.
Is this making sense? When we have breathing room and we aren’t worried over if the bills will be covered over the next 12+ months? We don’t want to retire usually. We just want to live and profit in the areas we want. For the possibly quickest route here?
I know of few if any better ways than this one.
When you’re getting big pay days up to $4k strong? You can get ahead pretty darn fast leaving you plenty of time and energy to focus on the things that light you up. I hope to see you inside when you’re ready to join us.