Which Of These Stories Is Yours?

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There are two kinds of people.  People who honestly pursue the things they want and the people who zip their desires and dreams up in plastic bags, put them in the fridge and only remember them every couple of weeks.

Most of us spend a good amount of time in the second category.  Don’t get me wrong, we start off pursuing what we want but life happens and sometimes it hits like gravity.  The busyness of our twenties doesn’t end, it only gets worse and by the time we hit our thirties, we’re not sure where time went.

Some people think that their problems are unique and want pity.  We know better and so we formed a community of people dedicated to getting our dreams back.  If you tell me what you used to want and why you stopped chasing it, we’ll tell you story after story about people like you who got back on their feet and started chasing again.

Click here to learn more.