The Dark Newbie Rises

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There’s a scene in the Batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises where Bruce Wayne is confined in an underground prison with just a glimpse of the sky overhead showing proof there is a way out.  So many times, he attempts to scale the stone walls to escape his prison.  This is all while tied to a rope that provides a “measure of security” in case he falls.  After failing several times to escape, it becomes clear that although the rope is saving him from death, it’s also keeping him from his freedom.

So a fellow prisoner that had been there many years and even knew of a young boy that had once escaped the prison, gave him seemingly crazy advice.  It was to do it the same way the young boy did it.  It was to escape without the rope.

He knew that Wayne by trusting in the lifeline of the rope was falling short of the full 100% commitment that would be required to complete his escape and go save his city.  Wayne is faced with an important choice in life: A possibility of a life of freedom which will require him to risk his life or the great likelihood that even a valiant effort with the rope attached will keep him confined as a prisoner for the rest of his life.

You can see it in his eyes.  He see’s that the safety provided by the rope is the very element keeping him from reaching his goal.  He decides to hold nothing back.  He goes “all-in”.  He’s fully invested in the jump and leaves the rope behind.  Freedom.

When you really want something in life and you give yourself no option but to succeed, you unlock something inside of you.  You accomplish what you thought would be impossible.  It does require you to leave your comfort zone but that’s where your greatness and all the profits are waiting.  That’s where the lifestyle you desire is.  You need to make sure you cut the rope.  You’ve got to leave behind whatever it is that’s holding you back and then be prepared to give it your all.

One of the best ways to begin to leave that rope is by getting around the “right” type of people and getting mentors that will help guide your jump to success.

There’s no better place to get that than by making sure you’re going to be here.