What If You Had 5 Words Left To Speak

Visits: 2

Have you ever watched the Webby Awards?  It’s like the Internet equivalent of an Emmy or an Oscar.  The hands down coolest part of the ceremony is this one rule: All acceptance speeches must be less than five words.  Most speeches are kitschy and vanilla but some of these winners find it in themselves to sound creative and show their personalities.  Take a few examples:

  • Reuters TV: “News doesn’t have to suck.”
  • Clubhouse Studios: “In other news, we’re hiring.”
  • DDB Argentina: “Internet Connects us.  Trump doesn’t.”
  • Zillow: “Apartments cheaper than Hamilton tickets.”

The five word constraint forces winners to use cultural shorthand that is only effective when it both:

  • Demonstrates an understanding of the culture
  • Implicitly communicates their own brand

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