What Idiotic Online Advertising Looks Like

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It’s happened to us all.  We’ve been annoyed by online ads and wondered how on Earth they make any sales.  Well, most don’t.  Let’s say, you go online to find a coffee machine.  Of course, you search Google and Amazon to find reviews and prices for different makes and models.  After you’ve done your research, you finally make your well informed purchase and close your computer.

The next day, you log in and the moment you open up the internet, your screen is flooded with ads for coffee machines.  Every pop up and banner is full of the most popular coffee machines on Amazon and slogan telling you that you need to buy a coffee machine now even though you just bought one.  Welcome to modern online advertising.  It’s idiotic, it’s reactive and it looks like spam and no one wants to make a purchase from a spam ad.

If you’re looking to earn your living from online advertising, you’re probably shaking your head right now but there’s a better way to earn a living online.  Scratch that because this method won’t just earn you a living, it can earn you a fortune.

This proven method is called Click Funnels.  Click Funnels is an online system where affiliates place ads on sites like Facebook and Craigslist where they receive millions of views.  Instead of reactively posting annoying ads based on things people have already bought, Click Funnel’s affiliates proactively place ads on popular sites where potential customers can find the products at the right time.

Click here to get success and advertise online like no one else.