What Great Copywriters Know About Getting Heard?

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One of the most common pieces of feedback that good copywriters get from clients is that: “We can’t talk that way in your industry, you need to tone this down a bit”.  “Nobody in our industry talks that way.”

Why do good copywriters get this feedback.  It’s because they know something that mediocre marketers do not.  What they know is that: If you speak exactly the same way that everyone else in the industry speaks, you’ll never get heard.  If all you do is speak like everyone else, you have no message and your message does not exist.

Here’s a good quote: “If the value you are espousing is one that could never get anyone, anywhere, sent to prison, then strictly democratically speaking you are useless.”  It’s from M. Slouka.

If your sales copy could never get anyone, anywhere excited, pissed off, turned on, riled up, blissed out, psyched up or seeing things with new eyes then from a sales standpoint it’s useless.

Does your copy get people excited? Turned on? Riled up? Blissed out?

If not, click here to check out Click Funnels.