The Pet Rock Is The Secret To your Fortune

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There’s a lot of dumb products out there.  There’s the pet rock for example.  It started out as a joke but after some creative marketing, it became a real product with instructions on how to reach the rock to sit.

How about  It’s a website that’s full of pictures with cats and the caption: “Can I haz a Cheeburger?”  Those foam balls that go on car antennas, an app that makes fart noises and plastic wishbones.  All dumb ideas.

There’s another thing that these products have in common.  They’re all million dollar ideas.  Yes, not only do these products exist, they’ve all earned millions of dollars for the people who made them.  If the pet rock proves anything, it’s that you don’t need a world-changing idea to be wealthy and successful.  You just need an idea that sells.

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