The Number One Reason Why Most Online Ventures Fail

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I said in the blog title that this would be about why most online businesses fail.  Well, that’s partially true.  Most online businesses never actually become businesses at all.  Most people only think and dream and wonder and research and procrastinate.  They never do anything to get started.

If you’re someone who fits that description you probably have not registered for The Click Funnels live events.  So, this blog post isn’t really for you.

If you have registered and are planning on coming, then this message is for you.  I want to encourage you to follow through and actually show up for the event.  This might sound strange to you: “of course I’m going to show up, I registered, didn’t I?”  The problem is that nearly 60% of the people who register for these free, live events, don’t show up.

This brings me to the number one reason why online businesses fail.  Failure to show up and failure to follow through.  Most people simply don’t have the persistence, drive and follow-through to make it all the way to their goals.  Minor setbacks shut them down completely.  Silly distractions derail them.  The “tyranny of the trivial” knocks them off course.  “Oh, I meant to do that but then…something…came up.”It’s the reason most people work at a job they hate for less money than they could be making because they don’t have what it takes to follow through and carve out a better way.  The Click Funnels team will be showing you a better way.  In fact, they’ll be showing you the only formula for making money online that actually works.  So, I highly encourage you to follow through, register and be there.

Here’s the link to register for one of them.