The Mindset Shift To Go From $0 To $10k Months

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This may hold back almost 98% of folks.  How we frame things in our life can mean the difference between zero figures and the ideal lifestyles and big residual incomes we really want.  For e.g. We’re contemplating an opportunity we want to take.  The deadly question that holds many back is, what if?  What if it fails?  What if I make a fool of myself?  What ifs usually just hold us back and they also rarely happen.

A better way to frame this?  Say, so what, instead.  If you took a calculated risk so what if it doesn’t work out as expected.  You can always take on another job or try something else or do anything you want to do next.  This world is chock full of options right now.  Give yourself a real shot at what you want.  You deserve it.  What ifs usually keep us on the front porch and never to get out and play in the first place.

So what decisions can put us in the game and into big results for ourselves and our families.  It’s the only way forward.  This so what strategy comes from a cofounder of PayPal which is sold for $1.5 billion.  Then he sold the company, Slide, to Google for $182 million.  That’s the power of so what vs. what if.

If it’s a fit, right now, I’ve got a great part time opportunity that can roll an extra $1k to $10k per month your way over the next few months.  Are you ready to give it a try?

Get all the 411 here.