The Dangers Of Going At It Alone

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There’s an old African proverb that says: “If you want to go fast, go alone.  If you want to go far, go together.”  Internet marketers should take this proverb to heart.  Most IM folks are lone wolves.  They prefer to sit in front of their laptop and not have to answer to a manager or boss.  They revel in the independence and freedom that online marketing provides them.  A lot of them tend to get off to fast start once they’re thrown off the shackles of:

  • Corporate bureaucracy
  • Administrative “sales prevention” teams
  • The mediocrity and incompetence that seems to thrive in the 9 to 5 world.

Their motto is: “It’s had to soar with the eagles when you’re hanging out with turkeys.”  To a level their right.  If you’re sharp, motivated and energetic, you can make progress a lot faster when the only person you have to answer to is you.

However, as the proverb says: “If you want to go far, you need to go together”.  Lone wolves eventually burn out.  They eventually reach the limit of their skills, energy, knowledge or financial resources.

The only way to push through those limits is by leveraging other people in terms of:

  • Other people’s insights
  • Other people’s support
  • Other people’s energy
  • Other people’s motivation
  • Even other people’s money

This is why Click Funnels places such a high value on Mastermind events.  This is where lone wolf internet marketers get together to share:

  • What’s working
  • What’s new
  • What’s saving them money
  • What’s making them money
  • What’s exciting them
  • What’s motivating them

When lone wolves leverage the power of “togetherness” they can be unstoppable.

Find out about Click Funnel’s mastermind events here.