Are You Losing Subscribers Right Now?

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Are you losing subscribers and sales this very moment?  If you’re like me, you know that your mailing list is your ‘goldmine’.  Your success depends on a steady flow of new subscribers and customers.

I was shocked to discover that I was losing potential subscribers and bleeding profits.  I didn’t stumble upon any new ‘magic’ formula or an internet guru with the next holy grail of an internet marketing strategy.

A friend took a critical look at my website and he didn’t like my sign up form.  He got me thinking as he was right.  My web forms looked plain and dull.  They didn’t inspire action and they didn’t convert well.

I needed a better web form.  I started browsing around and found out about the all-new GetResponse Form Builder.  If you don’t know, GetResponse is one of the largest, fully fledged email marketing services for small businesses like you and me.  It’s not just great for email marketing but they also have a solution for web form woes.

The GetResponse Form Builder is a one-stop shop for creating great-looking, customised web forms to attract subscribers and to generate sales.  You don’t need special skills either.

I tried it for myself and my conversions went up as my web forms are looking much better. It’s so easy to use, so creative and so smart that you’ll be hooked the first time you use it.

Give it a try and it’ll be one of the best things you can do to grow your online business.

Click here to get a free 30 day trial of GetResponse.

How To Get More Potential Customers And Sales With GetResponse?

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You could be losing subscribers, potential customers and sales this very moment.

Let me share a personal story with you.  My web forms weren’t as good as I’d like them.  My web forms looked plain and dull.  It didn’t inspire action.  It didn’t convert well.  It wasn’t getting the job done.

I needed a better web form.  This is why I searched and stumbled up on the all-new GetResponse Form Builder.  If you don’t know GetResponse, it’s one of the largest, fully-fledged email marketing services for small businesses, like you and me.  What’s great about GetResponse is that it’s not just great for email marketing but they have also solved the web form issue.

Their new is a one-stop shop for creating great-looking, customised web forms to attract subscribers and turbo-charge sales.  This application is so easy, so attractive and so smart that you’ll be hooked the first time you use it.  It’s completely visual, with a drag and drop editor, 500+ form designs and dynamic ‘thank you pages’.  You’ll love it.

I gave it a shot myself and it was one of the most profitable 10 minutes I’ve spent on my business in a while.  My conversions went up and for a good reason.  My web forms look great now.

If you can relate to anything I said above, I wholeheartedly recommend you try it too.

Give it a try today and start increasing your sign ups by tomorrow.  You’ll be glad you did.  It’s the best sign up tool for your business.

Click here to get a free 30 day trial of GetResponse.