How You Can Painlessly Knock Out Those Big, Scary Tasks?

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It’s really hard to start big, scary tasks.  It’s easier to think about them and pretend like they don’t exist but when you do that, deadlines creep up on you.  Then they strike.  All of a sudden, you’re frantically trying to do 1,001 things in 2 hours.  It would have never happened if you had only started chipping away at the big, scary task a while ago.  Yet, it’s so hard to do that and to just start the thing.  Once you do start, the rest comes much more easily but it’s so hard to start and to get in the flow.

I bet there’s something in you’re life right now.  It could be a big scary task that you haven’t really started working on.  You know you need to start it but you don’t want to.

Do you want a tip?  Here’s a secret not widely known weapon against big, scary tasks.  The best way to start is to visualise yourself starting the task.  If it’s a long string of emails you have to write, visualise yourself writing the first one.  It’s a way ‘starting before you start’.  You can trick your brain into thinking you’re procrastinating while you’re actually starting.  It takes a lot of the sting out of the start.

Maybe you’ve told yourself that you’re going to start a business someday.  Starting a business is big and complicated.  It’s the kind of thing that may sound really cool but when you think about actually trying it, then it gets scary.

Click Funnels is a training system that can help you get over that fear of starting.  It breaks down the beast into achievable goals.  You complete one at a time until you’ve built a home business at the end.

Click Funnels is a system that can help you get over that fear. The fear of starting.  The best way to start Click Funnels is to visualise yourself doing the first step by watching the video and applying the instructions you get in the video.  You will get a feeling of gratification of taking your first step into entrepreneurialism.

Once you’ve done that, you can take the second step here.