Making Money Gets Easier But This Never Does

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Legendary direct response copywriter, Gary Halbert, once said, “Writing does get easier.  However starting to write does not.”  What he meant was that as he matured and developed his writing chops, the actual work of writing got easier.  However, what never got easier was the starting.  This is because of:

  • Needing to overcome procrastination
  • Just sitting down at the blank page and beginning
  • Eliminating all the distractions
  • Pushing out all the voices in your head that are telling you: “You can’t do it, You’re not good enough, It’s going to be painful or you’re not ready.”

We all know about that feeling.  For you it may not be writing.  It could be something totally different.  It could be starting your online business.  The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people doesn’t have much to do with preparedness, skill, intelligence or money.  It has everything to do with action.

Successful people begin before they’re ready.  They don’t procrastinate.  They don’t wring their hands over all the things that could go wrong.  They don’t hesitate because they’re not _____ enough.  Fill in the blank:

  • Rich enough
  • Tall enough
  • Strong enough
  • Handsome enough
  • Smart enough
  • Experienced enough

Successful people know that they will never be 100% ready.  In fact, waiting until you’re 100% ready is the best way to insure you’ll never be successful.  Here’s a motto successful people live by: Ready, Fire, Aim.

Do you live by that motto?

If you think it sounds like a foolish motto, stay tuned.  I’ll tell you why “ready, fire, aim” is far more effective method of achieving your goals than “ready, aim, fire” in my next blog post.

Click here if you’re ready and want to start an online business.