A Powerful Cognitive Reframe For You

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Are you familiar with cognitive reframing?  It’s powerful stuff.  In simple terms, cognitive reframing is taking a way of viewing things or experiencing something and finding a more positive experience.  It’s realising and creating a change of perspective.  Cognitive Reframing was developed in the 60’s by a doctor helping depressed patients.  By helping them shift their mind sets and way of viewing things to the positive, many of the patients depressions disappeared completely.

There are many applications for us to use this technique including in our businesses.  If you’ve tried to start any business online, you’ve probably experienced some type of resistance.  Fear stands for:

  • False
  • Evidence
  • Appearing
  • Real

You may even have been stressed.  It’s inevitable right?  We do something new, foreign and we don’t see all of the steps clearly in front of us before we put our foot forward and we’re going to experience some discomfort and stress.  So how do we change things around for us?  There’s lots of ways regarding how you could personally reframe this for the better as what works for me may not work for you.

Here’s 1 powerful way I’ll share with you right now.  The physical effects of stress almost identically mirror the physical effects of courage.  So, if you’re feeling stress or resistance from any situation like taking action in your business, you can immediately reframe it.  Your body is ready to do courage, it’s not feeling stress.  Here’s a powerful technique that goes along with this: researchers have found that you do much better when you appraise a stressful situation or something uncomfortable as a challenge and not a threat.

So, let’s say you find a system that you want to try out online that looks promising.  There are some action steps to take and some of them aren’t hard but just uncomfortable.  You’re a bit fearful because you’ve never done something like this before.  You may go in thinking if you do the steps and don’t succeed that you’re a failure.  Who wants to be a failure?  Nobody.

What if you viewed it as a challenge?  What if you viewed it as an experiment?  What if you viewed it as if you were testing the system, not your skills but the system?  So even if it fails, you didn’t fail, the system did.

I’m not sure if this stuff is hitting home for you but the way we view things is oh so important.  Just creating a little change of perspective can be a literal game changer for us in our business and life for that matter.  You should give it a try.  Seriously do it and I guarantee that some powerful things will happen.  You can se this in all areas of your life.

I’m not sure if you’re a member of Click Funnels or not.  If not, and you’re holding back because you think you’ll fail or that it won’t work, why not give it a try?  Again, come in from the frame of giving “the system” a try.  I think you’ll do quite well with this if you follow the steps but if not, at least you gave the system a go.  It doesn’t mean you failed.  Either way, use this reframing technique in whatever you’re doing right now.

Click here to give The Click Funnels System a try.