Ride The Wind If You Want Success

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There’s a quote from ken McCarthy that goes: “Good marketing always harnesses natural forces.  When something works in the marketplace, there’s almost certainly a prevailing wind or force that you’re cooperating with that makes it possible.  It’s a huge mistake to fight nature.”

One of the great pioneers in internet marketing.  He organised the world’s first internet marketing seminar in 1995.  He knows his stuff.  His point is that there are forces out there in the market that you can’t control.  For e.g. let’s say, there’s a huge demand for carrots.  You can’t control the demand for carrots.  You can’t make it stop or change it into a demand for something else but you can ride it.

You can make products that harness the demand for carrots like carrot cakes, carrot shaped cars and carrot iphone cases.  If there’s a huge demand for carrots and if the competition isn’t too strong, your products will be hugely successful.  That’s exactly what you want to be doing but identifying those natural forces out there in the market and riding them to success.

So, how can you tell what and where those natural forces are?  Ken suggests that you look out there at what worked in the marketplace.  Look for products that have taken off into massive success, businesses which have exploded with growth and realise that there’s some natural force behind their success.

One thing that has taken off in the marketplace is Click Funnels.  In about 3 years, it’s a rapidly growing company doing 10’s of millions in sales every year.  Sure, hard work went into the company.  Russel Brunson who is the founder of Click Funnels has worked his butt off for the past 3 years but there’s more going on here.
There’s some natural force driving this thing forward.  Something beyond Russel’s control which Russel is harnessing to his own advantage.  The way he’s been harnessing it is through a simple product he created years back: Click Funnels.  It’s a simple system that teaches you how to make an income online.  Using the straight forward system explained in Click Funnels, people have made over $40,000,000 in commissions.
If Ken McCarthy is right, then there’s something driving Click Funnels forward which in turn drives Click Funnels forward.  It’s some natural force.  Click Funnels is harnessing the wind.  So, if you want to ride the wind, join Click Funnels and go through the training.  It’s worked out for others.

Go here if you’re ready to ride the wind into big commissions online.