Quick 2 Minute Writing Tip To Increase Sales

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If sales are low and people aren’t hyper engaged with your offer, I have a quick writing tip for you today.  This may increase your daily sales.  It’s quite fun for all parties involved.  All it takes is 1-2 extra minutes of thinking time.  I’ll tell you what it is in just a minute but first, there’s something else you’ll need to be able to pull off to make this tip work.

Now, did you see what I did there?  I created what they call open loops.  If I were to leave off revealing the tip for you in a different blog post, then that’s what they call it in the movies, Cliff hangers.  When we say we’re going to reveal something later, it creates an open loop in people’s brains.  They nearly can’t not keep reading or open the next email or message until that open loop is closed.  Think of how many TV shows are famous for this: 24, Lost and Game Of Thrones.

If you do it right, you can have 2, 3 or even 4 open loops opening and closing all at the same time.  An important tip though which many who try to miss out on is you need to give the proper amount of payoff.  You need to close the open loop.  Then deliver on what you said you would.

It’s as simple as that.  Use this.  You’ll have more fun.  You’re really helping out your reader’s too because they’ll be more engaged.  They’ll be more likely to read your stuff and invest in their services and products you’re offering.

This works great with this system.