Open Up If You’re Checking Emails More Than 5* A Day

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Distracted?  Overwhelmed?  Too much on your plate and never enough time?  If you want to rapidly have more coins dropping in your piggy bank?  You’ve got to address this Q.  Are you on the offensive or Defence?  One causes a lot of overwhelm while the other provides a lifestyle.  Being on the defensive means feeling owned by your inbox 24/7/365.  Always having to be on.  Becoming victim to other people’s demands, needs, desires and dreams over your own.  Being on the offense means having time to think, to do what you want to do and to build what you want to build.  To invest in and grow in the relationships that you want.

Making sense?  See the need for escape from the defense?  My suggestion is to build a cabin around your business.  Here’s what I mean.  I was reading about a Silicon Valley investor who has been an early stage investor in dozens of companies like Twitter, Instagram and on and on and on.  Yet, far from Silicon Valley, he lives in a cabin out in the middle on the boondocks.  He considers that cabin one of his best investments ever.  People love the mountains and potential investors come to him.  He’s building quality relationships and connections.  He’s traded in mindless daily meetings, coffee meet ups and late night social dinners he never wanted to go to in the first place.  Now, all that action happens at what he calls his: “Jam Pad” and his: “Jam Tub!”  (The hot tub out back.)

So, how can you profit wildly from all this?  Well, you do not have to invest in a Cabin out in Tahoe back country.  Start by asking yourself this question: What daily challenges have you assigned yourself?  Which of those are you doing simply to please someone else?  e.g. Your inbox is like a to-do list that anyone in the world can add an action item to.  Then build a cabin like getaway to protect yourself from each of them.  Picture yourself out in the woods with a certain goal you have in mind.  Then don’t let the distraction in.  Making sense?  If you’ve set aside 7-9 PM three days a week to build up a business that could earn $1k – $5k + a month, then lock yourself away in your cabin and don’t let email, FB, Instagram or any distractions in your doors.  When you’ve got this extra time now to think, to build to grow cool stuff, then your income, happiness and life can start to grow and scale rapidly.

I hope this helps.  If you’d like an income model that will allows you to tuck yourself away in a cabin a few hours a day and turn that time into up to $1K to $10K months that’ll make your moms and pops, kiddos and spouse proud, maybe a few friends will wonder what the heck you’re doing now.  Then I’d be honored if you checked this out and let me know what you think?

Yes, show me the details to rolling in my own months up to $1k, $2k to $10k.