Online Biz Lessons From The Worst Film Ever

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Have you seen The Room?  If no, you should consider yourself lucky.  The Room is a film that was released in 2003 that is widely considered one of the worst films of all time.  If you watch The Room, you will immediately notice that it’s full of continuity errors and poor production.

The Room goes way lower than that because the film is full of flaws and just strange scenes.  From major characters that they just found out that they have cancer and never hearing about it again to strange shots that focus on things that insignificant.  The film is full of strange choices that morph into one boring piece of crap.  That’s not even considering the terrible accent the main character has and the awkward throwing football scenes.   That’s just the tip of the iceberg.

So, if you’re watching The Room for cinematic value you’re wasting your time but that doesn’t mean The Room doesn’t have any value.  The Room is so bad that it’s actually hilarious.  Yes, people love The Room more for it’s flaws than whatever story it’s trying to tell.

Just listen to the main character talk and try not to laugh.  It’s impossible.  Just listen to the awkward lines being read off in monotone voices while a football is tossed around without any excitement.  You won’t be able to hold back the laughter.  The Room is much more successful as a flop than it could of ever been as a serious film.  Today, people have viewing parties and dress up as their favourite characters and toss around the football before they even watch.

So, why should  you care?  If you watched The Room when it first came out, you would of thought it was the worst thing you’d ever seen but today, the film is more popular than many good films and it has a cult following.  No one would have thought that the film would be successful but here we are and it is still selling.

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