Why 99% Of Online Marketers Stay Poor

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Today I want to talk to you about marketing high ticket programs online.  When I first started, I learned about affiliate marketing.  Affiliate marketing is where you can promote someone else’s product or service and you get paid a commission when that person buys.  What I really liked was that it didn’t require me to have my own website, products or merchant accounts.  All I needed to do was go and place ads and anytime someone bought I would get paid.

So, I started off promoting low ticket items like ebooks.  The problem was that they paid out low commissions.  Lets say, the ebook was $10 and at 50% commissions, I would make $5.  My goal was to make $10,000/month.  This would require 2,000 customers a month.  This works out to 500 per week or about 80 per day.  This is a lot of work.

I then had the epiphany that if I was to instead promote programs that paid out bigger commissions at $1,000 per transaction, I could reach my goal much quicker.  I would only need to find just 10 customers a month.

Do you think it’s harder finding 2000 customers or finding 10?  So, I started looking around at different affiliate programs.  This is when I came across Click Funnels.  With Click Funnels, they actually pay out $1,000 right up to $10,000 per month.  I thought it was incredible.

I was also very sceptical.  I’d never heard of a program that paid such big commissions, it sounded too good to be true.  So, I got involved.  They started explaining how the business model worked.

Anyway, I’m looking to work with 3 clients 1 0n 1 and help them get started with the same coaching program.  Once you join, do me a favour and reply back to this blog post to let me know you’re ready to get started.

You can get it HERE.