Is It Possible For You To Become A Genius?

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Would you consider yourself intelligent?  I would guess that as you’re reading this blog post, you’re probably at least decently intelligent and you probably realise that.  Now, try another question: If you really tried, do you think you could get significantly more intelligent?  Some people would say that’s impossible.  They think smartness is fixed at birth.  They think that some people are born geniuses and some people are born with average intelligence but whatever you’re born with, that’s what you’re stuck with.

Other people think differently.  They think not only can you learn new information, you can also grow your intelligence.  You can get better and better at processing information even if you’re born with average intelligence, you can become a genius.

So, who’s right?  The people who think that intelligence is fixed or those who think it grows?  It actually doesn’t matter who’s right.  It’s because studies done by Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck show that people with the “growth” mindset which is people who think they can grow their intelligence and abilities, tend to be more motivated, productive, happier and tend to have better relationships.  They tend to be great achievers.  People with the “fixed” mindset tend to do worse at all of these things.  So, whatever you believe about yourself, you’re right, it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Shifting gears a bit, do you think you have what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur?  Here’s the good news: If Dweck is right, it doesn’t really matter whether you have what it takes as long as you have the right mindset and the right information, you can learn to be a successful entrepreneur.

Click Funnels won’t give you the right mindset if you don’t already have it.  You have to learn that on your own but Click Funnels will give you the right information once you have the right mindset.  It compiles the information you need for starting a home business and it breaks it all down into simple steps.  Go through the steps, one at a time and learn how to start making big commissions online.

Of course, if you have the wrong mindset and that it’s basically impossible for you to make significant gains in your intelligence and skill, you might as well give up now.

However, if you have the right mindset, it doesn’t matter how qualified you are.  You’ll be plenty qualified by the time you finish.

Are you ready? Here’s step 1.