It’s The Little Things That Count

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I want to pass on to you a lesson that Tom Brady just taught the entire Atlanta Falcons team in Super Bowl LI.  It’s the little things that count.  As one commentator pointed out, “Even though the Patriots are 7-0 in the Super Bowl, they could just as easily have been 0-7.  Each time they got there and they won thanks in part to the ball bouncing the right way.  Imagine if it didn’t.”

Football continues to resonate so deeply with Americans because we know it hits so close to home.  Not in everything but in some central lessons.  If you do everything in your power, in your position, to set your team up for success and if you don’t neglect the little stuff, you have a good shot at winning.  Now, you could also lose but winning teams consistently pay attention to the little things stopping up and bridging the little gaps.

Things like:

  • Setting up  a passive income stream
  • Working from home to spend more time with the family
  • Freeing yourself from an aggravating boss
  • Breaking through opportunity and income ceilings by switching to a company with none

I know we love to hate the patriots but show the team some respect.  Which side of success are you on?

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