Is More Information The Answer?

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Know what you need to do?  Just need that “One more thing” to actually do it?  Try this, Derek Sivers, an author and entrepreneur that sold his company CD Baby for $22 million and then gave away all the proceeds to charity, dishes out this sage advice: “If more information was the answer then we would all be billionaires with perfect abs.”  The cure all?  It’s not what you know, it’s what you do consistently.  Knowledge is good.  In fact, Derek himself is a voracious reader and puts out reviews on what he reads but where the “Results” happen is after the knowledge and the doing piece of the puzzle.

Some get their fulfilment in reading and learning.  That’s false fulfilment.  What did that information really do for you?  Again as Derek says: “It’s what you do consistently that matters.”  Then your successes and actions start pulling on top of each other and you’re unstoppable.  Notice these doing contrasts:

Empowering: What I live
Disempowering: What I know

Empowering: Choose to
Disempowering: Want to

Empowering: Creating
Disempowering: Waiting

Empowering: Project
Disempowering: Dream

Empowering: Must
Disempowering: Should

Powerful thing to ponder on for a minute or three to see what state of mind and life we’re living, right?  Everything we want is always right on the other side of just doing it.  I hope this helps.  If you’ve been on the fence about building your side business then there’s no better time than right now to begin.

Yes, I’m ready to do this.  I see that residual income is a direct result of applying this program into my life.