How You Can Steal Ben Franklin’s Wild Success?

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Benjamin Franklin was pretty impressive.  He did everything.  He was a printer, political activist, philosopher, scientist, entrepreneur, diplomat, manager, innovator, governor of Pennsylvania and founding father of the United States of America.  His achievements were huge but when you take a close look at his life, it’s no surprise.

So, what was Franklin’s secret to success?  He systematized his life.  He fiagured out what he wanted which was to get stuff done and then he figured out the best way to get there.  So, he planned out every minute of every day.  He had a set time for sleeping, working, writing, walking, talking with people and reflecting on his life.  When it was time for one thing, he did it.  When it was time for another thing, he did that.

Everything he did was planned out.  All so that he could create a system, channelling all his efforts to move him towards his one goal which was to get stuff done and boy did he get stuff done.  Franklin proved the power of a system.  He used it to make his life productive but you can also use that power to make a business more productive or an organisation or a process.

You may not be good at getting results but you don’t have a business until you’ve created a system that generates great results predictably and with out having to put effort into it 24/7.

Click Funnels is the fastest way to help you set up a systemized business.  It shows you how to start a business and start getting results.  Russel Brunson has already paid out over $37,000,000 to people using the system.  It’s a testimony to it’s effectiveness but the system never rewards people who don’t try.

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