How You Can Avoid Unforeseen Consequences?

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Around the turn of the 20th century, wolves in America almost became extinct.  People had been hunting for a while partly because they were dangerous and people wanted to get rid of the danger.  Until eventually, the wolves were almost completely gone but this had unforeseen consequences.

The deer population shot up since there were no wolves to kill them.  The deer caused big problems for local farmers.  Also, with more deer came more deer ticks.  It started spreading across the country.  Far more people died from Lyme disease than from the wolves.  Unforeseen, negative consequences for a seemingly good idea.

It’s something quite common in the marketing world.  Often times, you’ll have what seems like a great idea, a cool addition to your sales page but when you actually try it out, it leads to a small scale disaster.  Tiny changes can have devastating consequences.  Yet, you can’t go tip-toeing just because you fear those consequences.  If you want to grow, you’re going to have to make changes.

So, how can you grow while avoiding the disasters?  You need to learn from people who have already made the mistakes.  Click Funnels is a training system grounded in Russel Brunson’s experience in the industry.

Not only does it help you avoid some of the major pitfalls in online marketing, it also pairs you with coaching.  Someone who’s been through it all.  Someone who can see that the wolves are necessary even when you can’t see it.  Would that be helpful to avoid disasters, make big commissions and have a coach?

Click here to start the going through the system.