How To Stop Working For Other People And Make Your Own Fortune

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Imagine this, it’s hot day, you’re at the park on a hot day and are working up a thirst.  So, you go to a concession stand.  You say: “I’d like one ice cold Coke please.”  The vendor scoops up some ice and fills up your cup with delicious Coca-Cola until it spills over the side of the cup.  You wipe sweat off your forehead and get ready for some icy refreshment.  They hand you the drink and say: “That’ll be 12 bucks.”  Of course, you say, there’s no way that this one coke costs 12 bucks.  Then the vendor informs you that as the temperature goes up so does the price of the refreshments.

Some people call it supply and demand but what it really is, is taking advantage of the customer.  Believe it or not this really happened.  In the late 90’s Coca Cola tested vending machines that raised the price of drinks with the temperature.  Here’s the thing, when it comes to business, there’s not a lot of companies that look out for the average person because most businesses don’t see you as a person.  They see you as a resource to fill their pockets.  It doesn’t get any better as an employee because most companies see their employees as a means to an end.

There is one company that does see it’s employees as what they really are.  People who are trying to improve their lives.  It’s called Click Funnels.  Click Funnels members place ads on the most popular websites online and receive the sales commissions but how do you know Click Funnels is looking out for you?

There’s no long customer service calls or payment processing because Click Funnels is designed to be easy to use and easy to make money.

So, click here and join a company that is looking out for you.