Selling The Dream But Living The Nightmare

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There are some well known gurus out there, the ones that are painting the dream lifestyle.  They have the nice car and house.  They claim they work just a few hours a week.  In their own words, lazy, yet living a lifestyle of luxury and making more dollars the lazier they get.  Now they’ve come out and said in reality, they’re mostly all workaholics.  They are ultra successful guys and gals out there.

It’s a different story with the other marketers out there making low to mid six figures.  They’re behind their desk, pounding away at the keyboard 24/7.  Truly, they’re selling the dream and living the nightmare.  It’s no way to live, right?

If you’re doing it mostly because you love it, then great.  I believe in achieving the real lifestyle that these guys poorly portray in their marketing.  For most of us, it’s not all about the mansions, $100k cars and so on.  It’s about the freedom:

  • Doing what we want
  • When we want
  • Having the time to pursue our hobbies
  • Travel
  • Spend a ton of time with our family and our friends

That’s what this is all about.  Of course, doing the activities while making a nice income.  Way more than you could get from your job.  Here’s a big point for you.  The big guys work a lot.  The other successful guys work a lot.  The people that don’t make that much money don’t put in the work consistently.  So, you might be wondering, what does this reveal?  Somebody has to do the work.  The good part for you is that, that somebody does not have to be you.  That’s where the beauty of leverage comes in.

Take this Top Tier Business Model for example. 

Similar to the other big gurus, the owner, Russel Brunson, works around the clock.  He’s young, passionate and driven to build the best digital education company on the planet.  His Click Funnels Business is already at the top in our space.  He’s usually at it 7 days a week, well into the wee hours of each night .  He loves what he does.  He has a lot of staff at the company’s HQ and other employees around the world.

There are many differences between Russel and most of us.  Firstly, he doesn’t hide the fact that he loves to work and that it’s taken a lot of long nights and many years to take his business to a million plus per month.  Secondly, he allows you to leverage his company.  You can leverage:

  • All his work
  • All his long nights behind the computer
  • Even his sales staff

He does all of this so you don’t have to.

He knows that most people don’t want to or aren’t in the position to do what he does.  To work around the clock to make this work.  He does it all.  All you need to do is simply plug-in to the running like a machine business.  It goes to work for you so you don’t have to.  You get very lucrative commissions while still living an incredible lifestyle.

This is even more valuable for you right now.  If you’re still in a job or able to work only 1-2 hours a day, then you can totally make this work.  Then, when you start making enough to go full time, you just scale up the leverage.  Then you can do what you want when you want.

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