If History Repeats Itself, You Can Be Successful

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History repeats itself.  In June of 1812, Napoleon began moving his “Grande Armee” into Russia.  He hoped to win a victory in a couple of months forcing Russia to stop trading with his enemies but Napoleon’s attacks on Russia turned out to be a disaster.

It took far longer than expected.  So, the French army ended up in the middle of Russia when Winter started.  The army nearly froze to death.  They didn’t have enough to eat.  Troops lost morale and lost their faith in Napoleon.  This was a big turn of events which eventually caused the fall of Napoleon.  100 years later, Adolf Hitler made the same mistake in World War II.

In June of 1941, Hitler launched “Operation Barbarossa.”  He moved over 4 million troops into Russia in an attempt to gain control of the land.  Though the operation had some initial successes, it ended in disaster.  From that point on, Germany began fighting a defensive war.  Two of the most famous military failures in history.

In both cases, a powerful leader threatened to conquer the known world.  In both cases, that leader attempted to conquer Russia.  They both failed and this lead to the demise of Russia.  It’s hardly a coincidence.

This not only teaches us that you should avoid Russia in your quest of world domination.  It also teaches us that history does, indeed repeat itself in powerful ways.  That doesn’t have to be a sad thing because failures aren’t the only recurring things.  So are successes.

If one person is able to accomplish something, it proves that another person can too.  If it happened once, it can and will happen again.  For the longest time, people thought it was impossible to run a mile in under 4 minutes but since Roger Bannister did it in 1954, well over a thousand others have done it.

You might think that it would be difficult to change the kind of work you do.  To set up your own business so that you can work from home, break out of the cube world and earn an income that supports that kind of life you want to live.  You’d be right in thinking that as it’s no walk in the park but if you’re willing to put in the effort, you can make it happen.

How can you know that?  Plenty of others have done it.  There’s plenty of inspiring stories.  If someone has done it once, it can be done again because history repeats itself.  You just need to know what they know and do what they did.  Don’t know how to do that?

Here’s a system that thousands have used to break out of the dilbert cube.