Big Numbers Seem Too Big For Your Britches?

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I’m sorry about that.  Quick note for you today.  I know I toss around big numbers from time to time.  That’s because I know what’s possible for you and I only want the best for ya.  At the same time, I hope I haven’t overwhelmed you because sure big numbers are awesome.  Folks bringing in the big numbers is great but I just wanted to say this: It’s coming straight from my heart, please don’t overestimate the people on pedestals or their big numbers.

If we could get inside their heads, if we could look at their fears, doubts, how they get their early stats?  We’d realise most of the folks are just like us.  Nothing is stopping us or you from getting the same types of results for yourself.  You feeling me here?
Check out this quote from an old Steve Jobs interview: “Life can be much broader, once you discover one simple fact and that is everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you.  You can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use.  Once you learn that, you’ll never be the same again.”  I’d say that Bill is on to something there, you?
The key is to start.  Start, start and start.  That’s it.  That and believe in yourself.  Don’t give up.  I certainly believe in you and what’s possible in this exciting era we’re in right now.  Are you ready to begin, my friend?  This may be right up your alley.

Yes, tell me more.

The masses will not start.  They will hold the folks at where they want to be up on a pedestal and label them as special.  I know that’s not you thought.  Right?  Here’s to us movers and shakers and misfits of the world.

I’m a starter and I’m ready to start.