Are You Trying To Sail Around The World Alone?

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In the classic novel, Moby Dick, a crazy sea-captain is chasing after a giant, ferocious whale.  He’s mad at the whale because it bit off his leg years earlier.  Out of his anger, he sails around the whole world.  From America, through the Atlantic, under Africa and all the way to Japan trying to get revenge on the whale.

What’s interesting is that even though it’s a very personal grudge that the captain has, he needs other people to help him get his revenge.  He needs a crew to sail around the world.  He needs people to man the ropes, hoist the sales, swab the deck and do all those things that sailors do.

Imagine what would have happened if Ahab had tried to defeat the whale alone.  He would never have gotten anywhere near the whale, let alone be able to fight it.

So, the best way to achieving a goal is to get people to help you.  Whether that’s getting revenge, starting a business or learning a skill.  Yet, so many people make the mistake of chasing down the whales alone.  They have a personal goal and they do everything they can to achieve it except asking for help.

They learn this, do that, try a method over here, forgo sleep, make a phone call, buy a book, try to sail around the world alone and likely drown themselves trying.

You don’t have to make that mistake.  Find a crew of people who can help you achieve your goals.  So, that you’re not chasing the whales alone.

Half the greatness of Click Funnels is the crew you get:

  • Someone else does the customer service for you
  • Someone else makes the products for you
  • Someone else coaches you

These guys are good at what they do which frees you up to focus on one thing which is driving traffic into the highly converting sales funnel.  You do your job and they do theirs.  Next thing you know, you’re halfway around the world facing the whale you set out to find.  You’ll make a lot more progress that way.

Click here to start.