Are You Letting Your Stunt Double Live Your Life?

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I’ll bet there are closet adrenaline junkies who day dream about getting shot out of a cannon like Evil Knievel but I bet there are more of you out there who have similar day dreams.

You see yourself:

  • Taking a personal call during work and saying: “No, yeah, I’ve got time right now”
  • Deciding: “I’m going to start baking more regularly and during the work day!”
  • Breaking your Sunday tradition of watching the game because you can afford season tickets.

Trust me, there’s nothing wrong with day dreaming.  It’s what most of us do to just stay sane but there’s a sad kind of person and it’s most people who live their best life all in their heads.  Their dreams are reasonable, desirable and within reach but they’ve given up on: “Doing their own stunts.”  When opportunity comes, they let someone else take their place.

At Click Funnels, we go on vacations and don’t dread Mondays.  We’ve fired our fantasy selves and we do all our stunts.  As long as your day dreams stay day dreams, some one else gets to live that life instead of you.

What kind of day dreamer are you?

Click here if you’re the kind I think you are.