Are You Committing This Side Gig Sin?

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Try this out, asap.  One of the top things that holds many back from getting the results they want in their side gig?  Follow up.  It’s like the guy and girl that have a great first date.  The woman wants the man to call her up but he doesn’t because he’s afraid of rejection or he doesn’t know if it’s too soon or too late.

So love, which is what they both desire ends up taking the back seat.  The plain, simple truth?  If we don’t follow up and help people get what they want, we’re stabbing them and ourselves in the foot.  Does that make sense?  That’s why we must ensure we have a stellar follow up system in place.

One like this one which is proven to work.

We need a system that follows up from getting the lead to getting the sale preferably more than just one channel just in case one dries up.  Ads, emails, webinars and more.  If you’re open to help and to using a proven follow up system that can land you commissions like clockwork?

Check this out.