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In a recent blog post, I told you about how most people set only results goals. Results goals like:
- I will lose 10 pounds
- I will earn $100,000 in sales commissions
- I will have a better relationship with my spouse
Most people who only set results goals fail. The second type of goals are productivity goals. Productivity goals sound like this:
- I will eat only 2000 calories per day
- I will make 30 sales calls per day
- I will have a “date night” with my spouse every week
Productivity goals put “feet on the street”. The increase the probability of achieving your results goals. Plus they are goals you can control.
There’s also a third often overlooked goal. This is your motivation goals. They say your attitude determines your altitude and you can if you think you can. Although, they may sound like clichés but the power of positive thinking is real. If you’re ignoring the “health” of your motivation, you’re setting yourself up for failure.
When it comes to your online business, here are some motivational goals you can set that will improve your altitude:
- I will attend a mastermind group where like-minded, motivated entrepreneurs get together to share secrets and celebrate successes.
- I will not discuss my online business with people who are “toxic” and do not share my ambitions for achieving financial freedom.
- I will read books, listen to CDs and watch DVDs that increase my knowledge, skills level and desire for achieving financial success.
Are you checking all three success boxes? At Click Funnels, we value all three goal types:
- Results – Click Funnels pay regular commissions when you work the system.
- Productivity – Click Funnels works if you work the steps.
- Motivation – Click Funnels holds “celebration” mastermind meetings in exotic and luxurious get-away destinations around the world.
If you want an online opportunity that can help you achieve all your goals: