Easy, Lucrative And Fun

Visits: 3

Who has your best interests at heart?  Weird but this has everything to do with getting to the residual income that’ll be funding the lifestyle of your dreams.  We come into this earth totally dependant on others to take care of us.  That can make it easy by default to assume then that others know what’s best for us?  Our parents, our bosses and our government.  That they’re in charge, setting the rules and making decisions.  As long as we follow their guidelines and accept what they say at face value?

That all will be good in the world but what if we realise that nobody truly cares what we’re doing.  That no one is going to gallop in on a white horse and save us.  Does that sound scary?  Well, if we see that it’s not likely that someone will tell us our job is beneath us or that we deserve better or we should spend less than we make or that we should go straight to the dentist when we’re feeling that toothache or that we should get a checkup from the Dr. every year, etc.

Then we realise we have all the power.  The power to see what to do and the power to do something about it.  We have 100% responsibility over us but that’s a good thing, right?  Especially, when there’s so much opportunity out there right now to choose to do and be whatever our pretty little heart’s desire.

Now, your bosses and big brother won’t likely be encouraging anything like this to you.  That’s ok, they’re looking after them.  Yet, if you are wanting a location independent lifestyle, travel, work from home and setting your own hours and pay?  Having a downright blast along the way.  Then you have the power and responsibility to make that happen.

This may help.

Life’s too short to live any other way but on our terms, you agree?  Here’s to an elf business.  Easy, lucrative and fun.  My favourite kind.