3 Words That End Procrastination And No Online Income

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I’m not going to sugar coat it.  This quote shoots it straight with you: “You can only grow if you’re willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new” from Brian Tracy.  This couldn’t be more true when it comes to building a 6 to 7 figure lifestyle friendly business online.  Along those lines, here’s three words, that if you embrace them will make you a lot of income, maybe quite quickly, but be forewarned.  It may feel awkward as you use this tool.

Are you ready for it?  It’s this: Figure it out.  Is that it?  Yes.  I don’t know, maybe you won’t see how powerful this is until you apply it to what you’re doing right now.  For e.g. You may not know how to get leads.  Figure it out.  You may have never put together a landing page to collect those leads before.  Figure it out.  You may have never ran an ad on Facebook or bought a Solo Ad.  You got it.  Figure it out.

98 % of people will quit at the: “I don’t know how” step and that’s why this business model will never work for them.  It’s a shame because you’re one Google Search, Mentor or Training Course away from figuring it out and getting yourself one step close to where you want to be.  You can go from no clue and have a FB ad up in the next 1-2 hours from right now.  You can search how to build a landing page and see there’s a plethora of software that helps you do it.  You can be up and running in 1-2 hours flat.  You’ll improve as you figure it all out.

In this digital and information age, we have all we need right at our fingertips.  The power though that most will never realise is figuring it out.  It’s about taking that first awkward step.  Figuring out what we need right now to better our lives.  What’s the next step you need to take right now?  Figure, it, out.  I’m not sugar coating it.  That wouldn’t serve you well, would it?  I’m coming straight from the heart here today.  If you need help figuring out this online business and don’t want to figure it out, alone:

Use this system today.

By the time you’ve started, you’ll already have more figured out about how to get to easy enough $4k plus months than 99% of the world ever will.