How To Become A Finisher?

Views: 3

Why do people drop out?  Sure, some things are hard.  Whether med school, Navy Seals screening tests or starting a business, things get to you.  People start those things with high energy and optimism but the further time goes, the more people drop out and few people finish.

There’s always a handful of people who ‘Steal the bacon’ in life.  They enter competitions and win.  They push through rigorous screening tests, they start successful businesses, they’re winners and finishers.  Wherever they go, barriers seem to melt away like mist in the desert sun.

So, what’s the secret ingredient?  It can’t just be that they work harder.  There’s something deeper going on.  Something that keeps those guys going when other people droop their heads, give up and go home.

Here’s what that ‘Something deeper’ is: Perspective.  People don’t drop out because they’re weak.  They drop out because they lose perspective.  They start something good and hard but with time, they forget why they started.  They forget where they’re headed and they forget what the long term pay off will be.  It’s a big problem that people run into when they’re starting a business.  They lose sight of the big picture, they get stuck in the moment and all they see is the thorns that they’re walking through.

So, here’s the million dollar question: How do you keep perspective when you’re starting a business?  Here’s the million dollar answer: Surround yourself with the right people.  Sure, you can conjure up strategies and tactics to convince yourself that what you’re up to is worth it.  You can rehearse things to yourself day after day after day.  You can play motivational cassette tapes in the car.  When you really start to get into the grind, that’s gonna be tough unless you have other people telling you why you’re doing what you’re doing, you’re probably gonna forget.

This is why you should start by asking yourself this question: How can I surround myself with fellow entrepreneurs who know where they’re going, what to do and why they’re going there?  There’s nothing like a community of driven people to kick your butt when the going gets tough, a community of peers who will inspire you, hold you accountable to your goals and give you help when you most need it.

So, where can you find a community like that?  Here’s one option: Join the Click Funnels community by completing The Click Funnels system.  Click Funnels is a system which shows you how to leverage the Internet to create wealth from the comfort of your own home.

Not only does Click Funnels give you the training and tools you need to start a home business, it also initiates you into a community of driven entrepreneurs who want to help you succeed in your business.  They’ve got perspective and they’ll make sure you don’t lose yours.

Click here to get your entry point into the Click Funnels community.

The Painful Question You Should Ask Yourself Now

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Lots of people go through life in cruise control.  The ‘Repeat all’ button is on.  Every week is a replay of the week before.  Every year is a replay of the year before.  It’s the same old, same old.  Sometimes it takes a wake up call, some incredible or horrible event or even an otherwise insignificant moment to startle you out of cruise control.

You’re plugging along in life.  You’re on your way from work one day, stuck in traffic, staring out of the window, radio buzzing in the background and then it dawns up on you that you’ve spent the last 5 years of your life doing essentially nothing.  You’re on a trajectory that’s headed nowhere.  It’s a wake up moment.  The problem is that wake up moments are rare.  If you spend your life waiting for one, you might spend your whole life waiting for something that may never come.  You could be waiting while your life wastes away.

Here’s a better option.  Do the painful work of evaluating your life now.  Are you really on a trajectory towards the life you really want to live or are you stuck in ‘cruise control’ mindlessly drifting deeper and deeper into a life gone to waste?  It’s a painful question to answer but even more painful not to answer.

If you find that you do need to change your trajectory but you’re totally unsure of where you should start, Click Funnels is a starting point.  It’s a system with a track record of turning wanna be entrepreneurs into experienced business owners and online marketers.  You can use it to supplement your income or replace it all together.  People have done both.

Using this system, people have made over $40,000,000 in commissions which proves that it’s more than just a good idea.  So, stop waiting for a wake up call.  You might be waiting for 5, 10, 20 or 50 years.  What a waste of life.  You need to take action now.

Click here to change your trajectory by going through this free book.

Why You Don’t Experience To Succeed

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When I was a kid, my family had a jigsaw puzzle that we put together.  I would grab the puzzle which had 500 pieces.  It usually took us a couple of hours to complete the puzzle but as time passed, it became easier for us to solve the puzzle.  We became familiar with odd-shaped pieces and knew where they went in the puzzle.  We developed a mental image of what the puzzle looked like when it was all put together even though we still had to fiddle around with different pieces, it got easier.

That’s the power of experience at work.  It’s a power which you can leverage to build your business even when you don’t have experience.  You can get other people who do have experience to help you.

Click Funnels pairs you with people who already have put the puzzle together.  There’s experienced marketers, business owners and salesmen.  As you’re going through the program of Click Funnels, someone already making 6 figures in the industry is just an email away.  They know where the pieces go.  They’ll help you when you get stuck.

So, even though you don’t have experience, you can receive the benefits of experience.  Of course, if you stick with it long enough, you’ll become experienced yourself.  In the meantime, why not leverage other people’s experience?

Go here to start leveraging other’s experience to build your business.

Bloomberg’s 5 Reasons Why Businesses ‘Crash And Burn’

Views: 7

According to a dismal report from Bloomberg, 8 out of 10 businesses ‘crash and burn’.  So, does that apply to Click Funnels?  Russel Brunsons’s Click Funnels system for building a home business?  Bloomberg gives 5 reasons why most businesses ‘crash and burn’ so if Click Funnels avoids those, it might just have what it takes.

Reason 1 – Not really in touch with customers through deep dialogue.  Click Funnels pairs you with a world class sales team.  These guys are masters when it comes to converting sceptical customers into devoted customers.  They do this well because they’re masters at getting in touch with potential customers real needs and desires.

Reason 2 – No real differentiation in the market.  In a market saturated with products, Click Funnels stands alone in offering high value and high ticket products that yield big commissions.

Reason 3 – Failure to communicate value propositions in clear, concise and compelling fashion.  Click Funnels gives you an already in place sales funnel to work with.  The funnel has been finely tuned over a number of years so that it communicates value in a way that really makes sense to customers.

Reason 4 – Leadership breakdown at the top.  The future of the business rests secure.  Russel Brunson founded the business and he plans on sticking around for decades to come.  There’s no sell-out or exit strategy.  Russel isn’t going anywhere.

Reason 5 – Inability to nail a profitable business model with proven revenue streams.  With over $40 in commissions paid out to affiliates, Click Funnels passes the ‘Proof in the pudding’ test.  It pays to start a business with Click Funnels.

If Click Funnels passes the Bloomberg test, what’s keeping you from joining?

Click here to get started building your online business here.

How To Stop Being Exploited By Wage Thieves

Views: 3

Minimum wage is a hot topic these days.  There’s a fierce battle going on in countries around the world to raise minimum wage or else to keep it as low as possible.  People who work for a minimum wage are said to be exploited, taken advantage of and even enslaved.  It’s a source of deep frustration and anger.

Why stop with minimum wage?  Could it be that people who are paid more than minimum wages are also being exploited?  It seems so and here’s a good indicator: Lots of people face very high demands on their time and self and they’re just not rewarded accordingly.  They sell themselves away for 40, 50, 60 or 70 hours a week only to receive minimal compensation.  I’m not saying that everyone deserves to be paid a 200k salary, there’s lots of people that don’t but lots of people, not just the ones working for minimum wage sell their wok for far too little.

The second big indicator that you are a wage slave is if you feel tied to your company’s benefits.  You feel caught doing something you don’t love because of the benefits you get.  The benefits keep you from considering other possibilities.  So, in effect, you let a price set by a company dictate the purpose and meaning of your life.
With Click Funnels, you’re compensated for all the work you do according to the value of your work.  There’s no chance for someone else to exploit you.  You’re the boss and so your effort will always be rewarded.  There’s no ugly, panelled ceiling with fluorescent lighting strapped to it that’s keeping you from your earnings.
Click Funnel’s affiliates are living proof of this having received over $40 million in commissions in just a few short years.  You have complete control over your lifestyle with Click Funnels.  You can work from where you want.  You can also set your own travel schedule.  Ditch the shackles.

Go here for an alternative.