How To Build A Pyramid Without The Scheme?

Views: 8

The biggest pyramid weighs 6.5 million tons.  That’s 20 times heavier than the empire state building.  When you consider that the Egyptians didn’t have cranes and power tools, that’s just amazing.

So, how did they do it?  How did they move all that mass across the desert?  They broke down the massive project into smaller and doable goals.  They carved out small stones and built a massive pyramid bit by bit.  It would have been impossible for the Egyptians to do it all at once.  Imagine trying to cut out a single, 6.5 million ton block out of stone and drag it across the desert.  It’s not happening.  When you have such a big project, you need to break it down or you’ll lose your sanity and get nowhere.

Click Funnels breaks down the daunting project of starting your own business into small and doable steps.  It takes an otherwise formidable, terrifying pyramid and turns it into something you can handle.  You don’t have to have superhuman strength.  You don’t have to be a genius.  You just have to follow the steps one at a time.  By the end of it, you’ll understand how you can start making big commissions by driving traffic into done for you sales funnels.

Russel Brunson has already paid out over $40,000,000 in commissions to the people using this system.  You might be wondering how that number got so big?  It was one person at a time and one commission at a time.

Are you ready to start building your own pyramid?  I wanted to mention that I’ve been saying you’re building a pyramid.  Don’t worry, Click Funnels isn’t one of those pyramid schemes.  Your success doesn’t depend on anyone ‘Downline’.  This is something great about this system.  In case you’re worried, you won’t be needing to twist arms at family reunions.

If you’re ready, here’s your first brick.

Don’t Take Massive Action Until You Get Clear On This

Views: 3

“Have you ever heard the saying: “Practice makes perfect.”  You might as well say that “Randomly banging keys on your keyboard will produce a great novel.”  Sure, it could happen.  You could get a great novel by randomly banging keys on your keyboard but you’ll probably get this: “Iiowjefije opiwajiofjeoi qpjfiopqejpfoi”….  It’s not random key pressing that produces great novels.  It’s specific, targeted, strategic key pressing that produces great novels.

Likewise, it’s not just any old practice that produces perfection.  It’s specific, targeted and strategic practice.  You have to practice the right things.  A lot of people think that the way to build a successful business is to just “Do, do and do” but it’s not.  The key to building a thriving business isn’t just massive action as they say.  It’s targeted action, right action and doing the right things at the right times.

Of course, once you know what to do, then it’s good to take massive action but until you know what to do, your massive action could be leading you into massive failure.

Click Funnels teaches you what to do.  It gives you steps to follow and guidance in setting up your business.  You get coaching to help make sure that your massive action isn’t going to waste.

Massive action is great.  Just make sure that your massive action is taking you where you want to go.

Click here if you want to take directed massive action leading to big, fat commissions online.

The $2 Billion “Star Wars Secret”

Views: 0

A lot of people have criticized the new Star Wars movie which is The Force Awakens.  One of the most common complaints is that it’s too repetitive.  Granted, it is repetitive as there’s similar characters to the older movies, there’s a similar storyline and there’s similar problems to overcome.

Here’s the thing.  Every story is repetitive and especially great stories.  According to one popular theory, there’s only 7 possible storylines.  All stories can be categorized into one of these 7 basic plots.  So, even when you think you’re seeing something totally new, it’s really just a rehash of something very old.

It’s interesting right?  That’s why I’m fine with Star Wars being repetitive.  The old story was great so why not reuse it?  Great stories should be reused.

In the same way that there’s 7 basic storylines, there’s probably a dozen basic business ideas.  The Hip new innovative businesses that look like they’re doing something that’s never been done before, they’re really just following a formula as old as the wheel.  There’s nothing wrong with that.  If you’re following an old formula, you’re being smart.

People who try to venture beyond those basic, proven formulas, those are the guys that get fried.  They try to do something totally new and they almost always fail.  Check out these repetitive things:

  • Great stories are repetitive
  • Great art is repetitive
  • Great food is repetitive
  • Great ideas are repetitive
  • Great businesses are repetitive

Click Funnels is also repetitive.  It takes a winning formula and distils it into a system.  It shows you how to build a business using a time tested method.  You can have confidence in the method for at least 2 reasons:

  1. It’s old and it’s been proven time and time again.  Russel Brunson who is the creator of Click Funnels has paid out over $40,000,000 in commissions to the people using this system.  That’s just in the past three years.  The number will be a lot bigger by the end of this year.
  2. There’s no risk as the affiliate program is free.  You will learn a lot of traffic and conversion secrets which will help you with any business.

Back to Star Wars for a moment.  Despite people’s criticism, it did incredibly well in the cinemas.  It’s currently the 3rd highest grossing movie of all time right behind James Cameron’s Avatar and Titanic.  It’s grossed over $2 billion in cinemas worldwide.  Who knows how many more millions and billions of $$’s it’ll generate in DVDs, Merchandise, games and so on.

So, why did it to do so well?  Here’s my theory.  It used an old formula.  One that had been tested and shown to work with the old Star Wars movie.  It took that formula and then improved on it with better characters, better cinematography and better special effects but with the same old proven formula.

That’s why it was so wildly successful.  That’s the power of old, proven formulas.

Click here if you want to use the power of an old, proven formula to create a winning home business.

How To Beat The Witch And Get Home?

Views: 1

The Odyssey” is about a man’s journey home.  King Odysseus is a war hero who’s been fighting for 10 years.  He hasn’t been able to spend time with his family.  He hasn’t been able to kick back on the front porch and drink a cold beer.  He’s been far away, against his will fighting someone else’s war.  It’s incredibly frustrating for him.

Finally the war ends and he’s free to go home.  The problem is that he is 100’s of miles away and the way back is dangerous.  Knowing this, Odysseus starts his journey.  At first, things are going well.  Then he gets stranded in the cave of a man eating monster.  He gets trapped on the island of a powerful witch.  He gets caught in a life threatening storm and his ship gets wrecked.  All sorts of terrible things happen.

However, something does keep Odysseus going.  It’s the desire to go home.  He’s driven to push through all the obstacles because he knows how good it will be to be home again.  To be with his wife and kids again.  To kick back on the front porch with the guys and talk life.  That’s what keeps him going.

All in all, it takes him another ten years to get home but in the end, he finally makes it.  The story ends with Odysseus back in his house enjoying his life with his wife and son.  There’s a reason this story is so moving even after 1,000’s of years.  Homer wasn’t just describing some ancient Greek war hero.  He was also describing something in you and me.  There’s an ‘Odysseus’ deep down in all of us who just really wants to get home, be with the family and enjoy life.

The problem is that there are some really big obstacles that stand between us and home.  Modern day work, in most of it’s forms, is an obstacle.  It keeps you from the house busy fighting someone else’s war.

Some people try to ‘Journey home’ by starting their own home business but that’s a dangerous journey.  Many have tried and failed.  Some have made it.  They’ve taken control of their lives, built a successful home business and won the freedom to work whenever and from wherever they want.  The journey home isn’t an easy one but you can make it.

To help you, Russel Brunson created Click Funnels which is a system that provides you with the tools, the training and the coaching you need to successfully build a home business.  It’s worked for thousands already.  It’s free to sign up.  You get all the resources you need to make the journey home.  Are you ready, Odysseus?

Click here to start your journey.

How To Generate Traffic Without Going To Jail?

Views: 2

Did you hear about the guy who sailed into the sky on his lawn chair last year?  Daniel Boria tied 110 helium balloons to a lawn chair, got in it and flew 1,000’s of feet into the air.  He eventually jumped out of the chair, deployed his parachute and landed.  When he landed, he was greeted by 2 things:

  1. A sprained ankle
  2. The police

The police arrested him and put him in a jail for a night.  Why did Daniel do it?  It wasn’t just a spontaneous impulse.  You don’t spend $20,000 on a spontaneous impulse or shouldn’t anyway.  He did it to gain publicity for his cleaning business.  It kind of worked.  Daniel got lots of publicity.  His website got so much traffic that the server crashed.  According to Daniel, his flight was a success and it helped his business.

Did it really?  Probably not.  Here’s what Daniel didn’t seem to understand: There’s quality traffic and there’s junk traffic.  Just because you get lots of people on your website doesn’t guarantee you’ll make any sales.  Not all traffic is equal.

What you want is visitors who are already looking to buy your kind of product.  The people visiting Daniel’s website probably weren’t looking to buy cleaning products.  Most of them just heard about Daniel from the news and most of them just popped over to his website for kicks but not to actually buy something.

Although, Daniel got his traffic, it may not have done much for his business.  To be fair, it may have been worth it from the branding perspective.  Maybe it showed that he really believed in his business which gives proof to his products.  Maybe the night in jail and $20,000 spent on supplies was wasted.

Whatever the case, there are better ways to build your business and get quality traffic without going to jail.  Click Funnels is one of those ways.  It’s a system that shows you how to start an online business.  When you sign up, you also get access to traffic methods which show you how to generate quality traffic with proven methods.  There’s no need for flights in lawn chairs.

Click Funnels won’t cost you $20,000.  It’s free to join the affiliate program.  The book from the link below is also free.  Of course, if you like skydiving and if you want to do something crazy, there are other options.  With these other options, you could waste your money, risk your life or go to jail for nothing.

Here’s a simpler, safer, tested method for generating quality traffic and building a lucrative home business.