Get Yourself Some Star Power

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Now that Star Wars mania has been going on for a while, here is something undeniable: Leonardo Di Caprio turned down the role of Anakin Skywalker in episodes 1-3.  Maybe he saw an early sketch of Jar Jar Binks and decided that the prequel trilogy wouldn’t be for him.  However, it’s still a hell of a job to pass up on.  It’s like turning down the role of Harry Potter.  Just look at how crazy people are going for Star Wars right now.

So, it was a fluke?  Nope, Di Caprio turned down the role of Robin in Batman Forever.  Just another one of the greatest film franchises of all time that Di Caprio could’ve been a part of.  He also turned down the role of Spiderman before Toby Macguire took it.

So, was Di Caprio wrong to turn down all these superstar roles?  Probably not considering he is still one of the biggest stars in the world but what’s really important here is that, he was able to turn down the roles.  He could’ve made more money than you and your neighbour will make in your lifetime combined with those roles but he didn’t because he didn’t need the money.

Can you imagine that kind of power?  Can you imagine being able to say: “Eh, I don’t need a million dollar paycheck.”  Power isn’t the ability to do something, it’s the ability to do what you want.

While few people will ever have the kind of power Di Caprio has, you can have something like it because this blog post is your link to becoming a member of Click Funnels.  Click Funnels is a proven money maker.  Now you have access to Click Funnels.

Click here to learn more about Click Funnels.

Harness The Great Wheelbarrow Power For Online Success

Views: 4

In a small town, hundreds of years ago, a man decided to build a house out of stones.  He found a plot where he could build it and then he found a big pile of stones about 100 metres away but to get to the pile of stones, he had to walk on a bumpy, muddy path through the woods.  The man had an old wheelbarrow.  It could carry about 4 stones at a time.  The problem was it was a hassle to load up the wheelbarrow.  Then it was a hassle to push it on the bumpy, muddy path in the woods.

After a couple of tries, the man decided to try carrying stones with out the wheelbarrow.  He could carry only one stone at a time but there wasn’t the hassle of loading and unloading the wheelbarrow.  There wasn’t the hassle of pushing the wheelbarrow on the muddy path.  Using this new method, he could make trips twice as fast.  So, since it was easier just carrying stones 1 at a time, the man decided he was better off without the wheelbarrow.  He did this for weeks and weeks, months and months until he had enough stones to build his house.

Do you see the man’s mistake?  You don’t have to be a math wiz to see that he could have done his job twice as fast using the wheelbarrow.  Although it took longer to get the wheelbarrow through the woods, twice as long but he could carry 4 times as many stones that way.  So, the wheelbarrow, even thought it might have felt less effective in the moment was actually twice as effective.

So, what’s the point of this story?  It’s about big ticket products vs. small products.  When your business sells big ticket products, it’s like using the wheelbarrow.  It takes more effort to make a sale but the payoff makes it much more profitable and efficient in the long run.

Say it takes you 10 hours to sell a $1,000 product versus 1 hour to sell a $50 product.  Which is worth your time?  The $1,000 product.  When you average it out, you’re making $100 an hour selling the $1,000 product versus $50 an hour.  It’s the power of big ticket products.

It’s the power Click Funnels helps you harness.  Click Funnels sets you up with done for you big ticket products.  That way, it takes much less work in the long run to generate serious revenue.  People using this system have earned over $37,000,000 in commissions in just a few years.  That would’ve never happened if Click Funnels used low priced products.  If you sell low price items, then you forgo the incredible power of big ticket products.  It’s a power which can be used for great good in your business.

Click here if you’re ready to harness the power of big ticket products.

The Greatest Victory Of All Time

Views: 2

During China’s third age, a strategist and general named Shu Han faced a hell of a problem.  He was defending a town with under a 100 men against a larger force as in under 100 vs. 150,000.  Yes, Shu Han was facing 150,000 basically alone.  He had two things though which were his lute and his reputation.  Shu Han was known throughout China as a brilliant general.  So brilliant that he was feared more for his mind than anything else.

So, when the 150,000 enemy soldiers were marching on the gates, what did Shu Han do?  He sat on top of the open gates to the town and played his lute.  When the other general saw Shu Han sitting on top of the open gate simply playing, he stopped his army and turned them back where they came from.  It was because of his reputation as a master trickster that the enemy general figured that whatever Shu Han was up to, it didn’t mean anything good for his army.  He thought it was a trap and Shu Han defeated 150,000 men with his reputation and a lute.

Now, unless you were alive in China’s third age and lived in the town Shu Han saved, you are probably wondering why you should care.  You should care because Shu Han used an unconventional method to do something incredible.  He proved that sometimes you have to do something you wouldn’t think would work to do something that no one else could do.

Now you have the chance to do the same thing and make a fortune.  This blog post is your path to becoming a member of Click Funnels.  Click Funnels is a tried and true system that is making people thousands while they work from their own computers anywhere they want to.

Click here to learn more about Click Funnels.

How To Make Money Like No One Else?

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Quentin Tarantino has never been one to play by the rules and his nonlinear gore filled films have always been popular because of it.  He is about to that to a whole new level because his next film The Hateful Eight is 3 hours long with an intermission and an overture.  The film will also have title cards that will begin each chapter of the film.  That’s just the structure.

You can bet your house that those three hours are going to be filled with enough cursing to make a sailor say wow and enough gore to make a zombie say no thanks.  While some people might think that since the film is so different from what people are used to, it won’t do well which is exactly the reason The Hateful Eight will do well.

At a time where people can sit through a minute of commercials without getting on their phone, why would they pay to sit through a film that is 3 hours long?  The average person who is walking down the street listens to music while checking their emails while thinking about what they are going to watch on Netflix when they get home.

You think people are going to watch one thing for 3 hours?  You bet they are because Tarantino has a system that is entertaining and people know it.  His system of extreme gore and characters with mouths they couldn’t kiss their mothers with in situations where killing is the only clear solution is incredibly entertaining.  That’s why he can make a film that is 3 hours long because he has a proven system that works like a charm.

Now you have a chance to be part of a system that works just as well as Tarantino’s but can make you thousands of dollars every month while you get to work in your underwear.  It’s called Click Funnels and it is the cash cow.  Russel Brunson created Click Funnels and used it to earn over $100 million over 3 years.  His company has sent out over $40 million in sales commissions to people just like you.  Click Funnels makes money so well because it works when people get on the internet and see the ads people like you place.

So, as long as people are getting on the internet, you have a chance to make money.

Are you ready to jump in?

Click here to learn more about Click Funnels.

The Quiet Life Of The Poor Man

Views: 3

Henry David Thoreau’s Walden and Civil Disobedience is a dense book but written within the first few pages, there are lines that have more meaning and impact than most books.  For e.g. “That mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.”

What does that mean though?  Here’s another line that might give you some context: “Some of you, we all know, are poor, find it hard to live, are sometimes, as it were grasping for breath.”  It’s dramatic but true because there’s nothing like being broke.  Desperation and grasping for air are both spot on ways to describe what it’s like to live paycheck to paycheck.

Even if you’re not living paycheck to paycheck, not having enough money to live comfortably is no way to live.  If you’re crossing your fingers hoping that your engine doesn’t blow out or that your kid doesn’t have an ear infection because you have no way to pay for it then you are living the quiet desperation that Thoreau was talking about.  You don’t have to be poor to be grasping for breath either.  If it feels like a punch in the gut when your bills come in the mail or if you scramble every month to pay your rent or mortgage then you are grasping for breath.

While money will not fix all your problems, it can at least solve some of them and hand you the stability to work on your other problems.  That’s why this blog post is so important because it’s your chance to get your head above the water.

Below is a link to Click Funnels which is a proven system that is making people thousands every month.

Click here to learn more about how Click Funnels can change your life.