What Your Wage Says About You?

Views: 2

Are you ready to never look back at your wage the same way ever again?  In a way that will make you want to change the way you spend every hour at work.  Here you go, whatever your employer pays you is how much you’re worth.  Now before you go out and support higher wages, take a second and think about it.  Is the work you’re doing worth a higher wage?

Of course, your time is worth more than you are being paid.  Time is the most valuable commodity you have.  You can never make more time and with every passing second you are spending more of it.  Every hour you spend at work is an hour away from your family.  An hour away from doing what you are passionate about.  An hour away that you will never be able to spend again.  It makes you wish that the time you put aside for work was making more money right?

Then it’s time to change things up.  It’s time to quit working a job that is only getting you what every one else is getting.  It’s time to quit working when and where someone tells you too.  It’s time to make what you are getting paid every hour, worth what it really is.

The good news is that at the bottom of this blog post is a link to a company where affiliates can make thousands every month.  It lets you work anywhere and anytime.  It’s unique enough to get you what everyone wishes they got.

It’s called Click Funnels and it’s a flat out money maker.  Are you wondering if it works?  Click Funnels has sent out over $25 million in commissions to people who read emails and blog posts just like this and click below.  Will you be one of them?

If so, click here.

How Playing With Words Can Make You A Fortune?

Views: 3

A Lexophile is someone who loves to use words in a witty or unique way.  So, a Lexophile loves riddles or word puzzles.  Exciting, right?  Before you write it off though, take a look at some examples of what Lexophiles can do with words.

Lexophiles create things like: “A will is a dead giveaway” and “Show me a piano falling down a mineshaft and I’ll show you A-flat miner.”  They also create things like: “The Butcher backed into the meat grinder and got a little behind in his work” or did you ever think about how “Santa’s helpers are subordinate Clauses?”

There’s a million more examples but unless you’re already a Lexophile. you may be wondering: “What does this have to do with me?”  It’s not what Lexophiles do but how they do it that you should care about.  They take simple words and combine them in a way that makes a simple sentence more than just that.  They take something that everyone has access to and use it to create something better.  As you can tell, it’s very successful.

That formula of taking something simple and making it better is exactly what businesses are founded on.  All businesses take a product and sell it or refine it to make a profit.  Russel Brunson has done the same thing but with the internet, he is making one hell of a profit.

Russel’s Click Funnels uses Internet traffic to generate sales off that traffic and as the Internet grows, more and more traffic sees Click Funnels’s online ads.  At the end of this blog post is a link where you can learn about placing those ads and getting the sales commissions for them.

Everyone can get on the internet but not everyone can make a profit from people visiting popular sites like Craigslist and Facebook.  This is your chance to do just that.  So, don’t be like: “The dog that gave birth on the side of the road and was cited for littering.”

Click here to join Click Funnels and make money like no one else is.

Mashed Potatoes And A Boatload Of Money

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Did you eat a potato or a dish  that had a potato in it recently?  You have Antoine-Augustin Parmentier to thank.  Parmentier’s history as well as the history of the potato is interesting but you may find a little bit more interesting since you can learn how you can make thousands every month while working from your computer.

Parmentier lived in France in the 16th century.  During that time the potato was known to the French as food for pigs only and not something people should eat.  In fact, the French government made it illegal to grow potatoes out of fear that it caused Leprosy but Parmentier saw things a little differently.

When he was captured in the seven year war, he was forced to eat potatoes by his captors.  He returned to France with a new and unique appreciation of the potato.  He also saw that France and Europe were missing out on a crop that was nutritious and easy to grow.

So, Parmentier decided it was up to him to make the potato popular.  He entered competitions to prove that the potato was a good source of nutrients.  He hosted dinners where potato was a maid dish.  He even posted guards around potato fields so that people would think whatever was in the field was valuable and then told the guards to accept bribes from people who wanted to steal what was growing inside.

The rest is history.  Today the potato is one the most common sources of food in the world and several dishes are named after Parmentier because Parmentier thought outside of the box.  He didn’t just try and sell potatoes and hope they would catch on.  He didn’t go door to door and accept that few people wanted to try them.  He did something that other people wouldn’t have thought to do.

Now, what does all of this have to do with you?  If you want to make a fortune, you have to be like Parmentier.  You have to be willing to try different approaches that others might not even consider.  Now you have the chance to do that.

At the end of this blog post is a link to learn more about Click Funnels.  Click Funnels is an online system that will allow you to make thousands every month by simply placing ads online from anywhere with a computer and Wi-Fi.

Click here if you’re ready to think outside the box and get rewarded like Parmentier and learn more about Click Funnels.

Is It Possible For You To Become A Genius?

Views: 1

Would you consider yourself intelligent?  I would guess that as you’re reading this blog post, you’re probably at least decently intelligent and you probably realise that.  Now, try another question: If you really tried, do you think you could get significantly more intelligent?  Some people would say that’s impossible.  They think smartness is fixed at birth.  They think that some people are born geniuses and some people are born with average intelligence but whatever you’re born with, that’s what you’re stuck with.

Other people think differently.  They think not only can you learn new information, you can also grow your intelligence.  You can get better and better at processing information even if you’re born with average intelligence, you can become a genius.

So, who’s right?  The people who think that intelligence is fixed or those who think it grows?  It actually doesn’t matter who’s right.  It’s because studies done by Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck show that people with the “growth” mindset which is people who think they can grow their intelligence and abilities, tend to be more motivated, productive, happier and tend to have better relationships.  They tend to be great achievers.  People with the “fixed” mindset tend to do worse at all of these things.  So, whatever you believe about yourself, you’re right, it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Shifting gears a bit, do you think you have what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur?  Here’s the good news: If Dweck is right, it doesn’t really matter whether you have what it takes as long as you have the right mindset and the right information, you can learn to be a successful entrepreneur.

Click Funnels won’t give you the right mindset if you don’t already have it.  You have to learn that on your own but Click Funnels will give you the right information once you have the right mindset.  It compiles the information you need for starting a home business and it breaks it all down into simple steps.  Go through the steps, one at a time and learn how to start making big commissions online.

Of course, if you have the wrong mindset and that it’s basically impossible for you to make significant gains in your intelligence and skill, you might as well give up now.

However, if you have the right mindset, it doesn’t matter how qualified you are.  You’ll be plenty qualified by the time you finish.

Are you ready? Here’s step 1.

How Occam’s Razor Changes Everything For Your Online Business?

Views: 6

Have you ever heard of “Occam’s Razor”?  It’s a fascinating principle.  One that scientists use to figure out which hypnotists or theory is the best when there are many competing ones.  Here’s what it says: “Among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected.”

Suppose you’re a scientist and there’s something you don’t understand.  You have 3 possible explanations for it but each explanation has equal evidence for it.  How do you choose between explanations?  Occam’s Razor tells you to choose the simplest explanation.

The principle itself is super simple, all it says is that: “Simpler is better.”  Yet, it’s very powerful.  Using Occam’s Razor has consistently led to scientific breakthroughs and entrepreneurs have a lot to learn from Occam’s Razor.  Simple businesses, simple methods and simple systems just work better.  When a business becomes full of complications, procedures and departments even if all those things are good things, you’re still going to end up with a slow, dumb bureaucracy.  Growth stops, efficiency drops and profitability sinks.

Russel Brunson contains only the essentials like a clean and simple scientific theory.  It boils down the process of starting a home business into small steps.  Each step is right where it needs to be.  There’s nothing extra.  Each step propels you toward establishing your home business.  There’s no hoop jumping and no red tape.  It tells you what to do and you do it.

Click here to get the simplest route to earning big commissions online.