How To Deal With Too Much Information?

Views: 1

A lot can happen in 60 seconds.  For example, every 60 seconds, 571 new websites are created.  This means that every year 300,117,600 new websites are created which is a lot of websites and a ton of information.

If you’ve ever tried to start a business and especially if you’ve tried navigating the endless ocean of Internet Marketing wisdom, you’ll know that there’s a lot of information out there.  In fact, there’s too much.  There’s way too much.  Every one has a different opinion, a different method or a new trick.

So, where do you start?  How do you figure out what’s right and what’s wrong, true and false or effective and ineffective?  It’s overwhelming trying to wade through all that information.

Click Funnels makes it a lot easier.  It lays it out for you.  It selects the information and focuses you on a single tried and true method.  It’s the same method that’s made Russel Brunson’s company one of the fastest growing in the industry.  He’s already paid out $25,000,000 in commissions.

You can sign up for free all ye who feel overwhelmed.  It’s for those that just can’t figure out where to start, who to trust, what works and what doesn’t.  Click Funnels does the hard work for you.  It brings all the best information into one place for your convenience.

Click here to start.

The Fool Proof Method For Winning Everyone’s Trust

Views: 4

Unless you have people’s trust, you’ll get nowhere.  You need trust for healthy relationships, renting an apartment or for making sales.  I’ll never buy from a seller I don’t trust.  I need to trust that the product is good.  I need to trust that they’ll deliver the product when I order it.

The main point here is that trust is very important.  So, how do you get people to trust you?  There’s an old trick for winning everyone’s trust.  It’s fool proof and it doesn’t require any fancy wordplay, lying, twisting or stretching.  Use this trick and people will give you their trust.  They’ll arrive in flocks just to give you their trust.  You’ll be swimming in the stuff.

Wanna know the trick?  Here it is: Prove it.  It’s that simple.  Just provide tons of proof.  Think about it.  When I want to buy something, the first thing I do is look at reviews.  I get on Amazon, search for the product, click, scroll down and start reading reviews.  I do this to get proof.  Proof that the product works.  Proof that I’ll actually get the product.  Proof that I’ll enjoy it.  Proof that it will meet my needs.  I want proof and I’ll give my trust to anyone who can give it to me.  600 reviews totaling 4.5 stars on Amazon.  That’s the kind of product that will lead me to buy.

With Click Funnels, the numbers speak for themselves.  Russel Brunson has paid out over $25,000,000 in commissions to people who have gone through Click Funnels.  If you follow the system, you are going to make money.

So, you don’t have to take my word for it that Click Funnels works.  Look at the numbers.

Click here to see stories from real people with normal abilities.

Why You Need To Stop Living With An Employee Mindset?

Views: 4

In a recent conversation with a friend, I was told something really profound.  I don’t think I’ll forget it: “Treat your life like a business”.  I was confused at first and then my friend explained: “Depending on how you live your life, it can grow.  It can flourish.  Other people invest in it.  It can be used to meet other people’s needs or for your own profits”

I stopped and thought about it and it struck me on how many interesting parallels there are between business and our own lives.  Then my friend asked another question: “Are you living like an employee or an owner?”  That made me think.  I’ve met lots of people who don’t really own their lives.  They live like their lives are someone else’s responsibility.  They live with an ’employee’ mindset.  When things aren’t going well, they blame and they complain.  They don’t do anything to change the situation because in their minds, their lives aren’t really theirs.  They’re just employees.

Then there are owners.  These people are different.  When their lives are going downhill, they take responsibility.  They look for ways to improve.  They change and solve the problem because they know that it’s their life.

So, what about you?  Are you owning your life or are you just accepting the things you hate about your life?  It could be:

  • The long commute
  • The lousy work
  • The rat race
  • The financial difficulties

It’s up to you to change things.  What are you waiting for?  You’re the owner.  Take charge and make a change.

Click here to get started.

Don’t Be A Van Winkle, Be Rich

Views: 4

Are you a Rip Van Winkle?  Would you rather be asleep than at your job or do you sometimes actually sleep at your job?  Rip Van Winkle never wanted to do any work and was constantly nagged by his wife to do exactly what he didn’t want to do.  He wasn’t lazy.  He was always helping others do their own work.  He just didn’t want to do his own work.

Rip didn’t want to live his life.  So, he fell asleep for twenty years.  When he woke up, his wife was gone along with all his responsibilities.  He was happy.

Are you constantly just trying to get by until things get better?  Do you find yourself saying: “If I can just make it the next few months to the end of today, to lunch, things will get better?”  Or do you wish you could sleep through the day instead of living your life?

Here’s your chance to stop dreaming and start living:

  • To stop dreading the present.
  • To love your present and look forward to the future too.
  • To never again grind away to make money for someone else.
  • To work for yourself.
  • To work wherever you want.

Here’s how you can do this.  Russel Brunson created a system called Click Funnels  that made him a fortune ($51,000,000 just in commissions paid out) and it can do the same for you.  All you do is place ads online and receive the sales commissions.  That’s it.

Russel’s system has been working so well that his company has sent out over $50 million in commissions to people placing ads and now you can be one of those people.  You can work from your computer and leave your desk job behind because you can make thousands of dollars in commissions.

You can start right away.  All you need to do is complete the training course.  You can have your own personal mentor to help guide you one on one.

Here is how you know this is a great opportunity.  When you join Click Funnels, you can het started for free.

Click here to take advantage of this opportunity, it’s your chance to be glad you woke up instead of dreading the day of work ahead.

Dare To Be Controversial

Views: 4

On the September 17th, the Republican party held it’s second debate.  Whether you can’t stand to watch or you’re ready to pre order a DVD copy, I’ll show you a way how you can make thousands of dollars every month all because of this debate.

Did you notice how anytime something controversial came up Donald Trump was in the middle of it?  From saying Rand Paul was ugly to talking about immigration, Trump was in the thick of controversy.  When it came to specific policy, the other candidates were the ones in the spotlight because that’s how Trump wants it.  Trump is grabbing all the attention by being controversial.  It’s a simple strategy that plays to a basic fact.

People love controversy.  His strategy is working so well that he is leading in the polls when most people thought he would be well out of the race by now.

What if there was a system that made you a fortune because it worked off such a simple but true fact.  A system that was based on such an absolute that it was nearly a guarantee that you will be making thousands monthly.  A system that you made you enough money to:

  • Leave your desk job in the dust
  • Travel the world while you work from your computer
  • Retire in 5 years instead of 30
  • Allow you to get out of your apartment and move into a home you deserve

Russel Brunson has a system that can do all that and more.  It’s called Click Funnels and here’s how it works.  Russel’s team sends you ads which you place online.  You then receive the sales commissions from the ads and that’s it.

Russel’s earned millions over 5 years and his company has sent out over $25 million in commissions to people using this system.  Making thousands of dollars every month is so much easier than you think it is.  The ads will be made for you.  You will never have to make an ad.  You will never have to spend hours on the phone to close a sale.  You get paid fast and you never deal with any long payment processing.

You can start right away.  When you join Click Funnels, you can have a mentor who will coach you until you master the system.

Just like Donald Trump’s system, Click Funnels is built on a simple absolute truth.  People are making fortunes right now as a result.

Click here if you’re ready to be one of them.