Refundable Tickets And Your Online Success

Views: 9

I have a short blog post for you today.  People who travel a lot often buy an extra refundable ticket in addition to the main ticket just in case.  This is because flights are often delayed because of snow, union strikes or mechanical delays.  When your time is as valuable, you need to have a back up plan.

So, I would like to ask you: “What’s your back-up plan for your financial future?”  What systems have you put in place to insure you’ve got a back-up in case of an emergency?  Just like flights, our financial plans often get delayed.  This could happen because of:

  • A global economic crisis
  • Housing bubbles
  • Downsizing
  • Outsourcing
  • Unexpected emergency room visits
  • Health problems
  • Wage freezes

In fact our financial “flights” probably don’t run “on time” as often as the airlines do.  So, to not have a back-up plan means risking you’ll never reach your destination.

So, what’s your back-up plan?  Click Funnels is the best way to get started on your financial back-up plan.  It’s free to get started and it’s risk free.

If you scale the Click Funnels ladder you can make regular commissions.

Click here to put your back-up plan in place.

The Most Powerful Force In The Universe

Views: 36

Do you know what Albert Einstein called: “The most powerful force in the universe“?  The brilliant scientist who unravelled the secrets of the universe said that Compound Interest was the most powerful thing in the world.

Here’s why it’s so important to you.  Let’s say you start your online business this year and earn $10,000 in additional income.  Then let’s say you make $10,000 every year for the next 14 years.  Then you save that money and you get an average interest of just 5%.  At the end of the 15 years, you’d have about $247,000.00.

If you wait one year and don’t start your business until next year, you’ll only have $225,000.00.  Even waiting just one year, you don’t just lose the $10,000 from the year you missed.  You also lost over $12,000 in interest.  Now that’s a pretty small example.

Let’s say you make $50,000 each year.  How much are you giving up by waiting just one year?  Almost $110,000.  So from waiting just 1 year, you lose $110,000.  The bigger the income, the bigger the penalty for waiting.

With commissions of $1000, it’s not hard to imagine making an extra $10,000 or $50,000 or even $100,000 per year with Click Funnels.

You have nothing to lose and plenty to lose by waiting.

Click here to get started.

The 100/Zero Rule To Success

Views: 9

You’ve most likely heard of The Pareto Principle before, right?  80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts.  You can apply this rule universally and it’s accuracy is near uncanny.  Today, I’d like to introduce you to a principle you’ve probably never heard before.  It is just as important if not more powerful than the 80/20 rule.

It is called The 100-Zero Concept.  When you start applying this principle to your business and life, you’ll start to see some amazing things happen.  The fundamental concept is that you give 100% all of the time and every time.  Here’s the thing, you’ll do this even if you’re getting 0% back in return.  That’s the part where it may get hairy for some of us.  Yet, it’s necessary.  Here’s the interesting thing just because someone is giving 0% doesn’t mean they’re giving 0%.
You might be wondering, what I mean by this?  Brian Kurtz of BoardRoom explains it well.  We all have some friends.  Some of them could be from school or way back from our childhood.  These folks we just love.  We’ve all got our workmates as well or friends in our local area that we enjoy doing things with.  My point is there’s usually just 1 0r 2 of these people that like to or will put things together.  This could be planning a party, a reunion or going out in the town.  You can count on that they will be the ones that will do this.
Everyone else may think about it but they never get round to it.  Maybe they don’t have the confidence for it.  So, it looks at the surface that one person is giving 100% and that the other people don’t care and are giving 0%.  When you get with your friends you have a blast and the time of your life.  The person that gave 100% and the person that gave 0% are both having a good time.  Which person do you want to be:
  • I hope you’re a hundred percenter.
  • They are the movers and shakers of the world.
  • They are the people that make things happen.

In business and life, if you don’t see the immediate payoff, even if it doesn’t seem fair that you are the one always doing things, always give 100%.  This applies with your family, friends and with your work.  It’ll always work out for your benefit and that of others.

Now, go out and make things happen.  This could be:
  • Calling that person that you’ve been waiting to call you.
  • Starting that business that you’ve been waiting on someone else to hand you in a pretty little gift wrapped box

Put in 100% like you’ve never done before.  I’m talking your absolute best.  You’ll thank me later.

You’ll also be thanking me later if you’ll take the time to watch this presentation and then actually start.

Put in 100% and if you’re like the other peeps in this course, you can have amazing results.  If you’re prepared to do 0% then of course don’t be expecting any results but I know you’re a 100% type of person.

What Your Past Can Tell You About Your Online Business?

Views: 6

Most TV advertisements are mindless brand reinforcement.  There’s not much online entrepreneurs can learn from studying them.  However, although it’s rare, there’s a life lesson that really does hit the bullseye.

You might have seen this one by a major insurance company.  They wrote life events on magnetic tiles and asked a group of people to select events that had happened to them in the past.  Things like getting a promotion or getting married were yellow for positive.  Things like getting fired or father died were blue for negative.

Then they put all those tiles on a big magnetic board called past.  Then they had the same people select events that they thought would happen to them in the future,  Blue was for negative and yellow for positive.  They put those tiles on a different board called future.

The results was that the past board was a lot bluer (negative) than the future board.  What the insurance company was trying to prove is that our belief about the future is far too optimistic based on the facts of the past.  So, you should have more insurance than you probably have.  More bad things are going to happen than you think.  I think we are overly optimistic and overly naive which can get us into serious trouble.

So, what does have to do with your online business dreams?  Well, the point is to get started.  The future, if we’re to believe our own experiences will not be as bright as we think unless we take bold, decisive and massive action to insure that it is.  If you keep doing the same things and expecting different results then you’re insane and underinsured.

Click here to take action today.

What Jobs Will Make You Rich?

Views: 5

Did you know that there’s only 8 careers that pay a median salary of over $100,000 per year in the united states?  It’s true.  Three of those eight require advanced degrees and that is for a doctor, dentist or a lawyer.  One of those require a special degree which is a pharmacist.  IT managers, marketing managers and financial managers require specific university degrees and a very advanced knowledge base.

That leaves only one career that pays a median salary of over $100k per year which doesn’t require advanced education.  That is a sales manager.  Sales has always been one of the highest paying professions.  The best sales people make far more than the average doctor or lawyer.  Sales is also been the only career option that does not require years of expensive schooling.

So, if you want financial freedom, either go back to school or start selling.

Click here to check out Click Funnels as this is the only way to go.